Re: Patch 1.1.3 notes are incomplete? And what is the developer doing?

by Wingmannedbro

Original Post

Patch 1.1.3 notes are incomplete? And what is the developer doing?

★★★★★ Guide

Why are we getting vague and half written patch notes?


WHAT did you change in hit detection?

You improved it?

On what legends? not on pathfinder....


70 days now!!!

Hit detection still not fixed



Please keep sending video's...

There are 2837428734364873463 video's about it.

If you only play your own game 1 time you should have all the data you need.

Its not a rare issue.

Man go crazy! play this game twice just to be sure.



And why is this information missing in the patch notes?:


Why is there no mentioning of the new beep during the ressing?

Why is there no mentioning of the wraith portal bug partly fix?


What else did you not tell us but you changed?

Why is every patch update a ''where is waldo''.


Is it so hard to just type out what is changed so we can test it properly and most likely complain about it even more because you change everything but fix nothing.


Your asking your comunity for help but you refuse to release what you are struggling with.

do you even read these forums?

information is everywhere!


So the time was taken to fix the sticking things to gebraltar shield?

I can't remember anyone asking or complaining about this.


There is not a single person playing apex legends.

And quit becouse you can stick things to gebraltar shield.

With all the other stuff going on right now.


I understand its not how its supposed to work.

But a lot more important stuff is also not working as it is supposed to work!


Example of a few small and easy to fix problems that are not working as they are supposed to work since day 1!!!!!!!:


- I want another button for finishers. 

- When i press esc during looting the loot screen should go away first! before i go into the settings menu.

- The reload animation every time i swap wepons from 1 to 2 OR after a baloon jump.

And another 99 small other issues that are SOO easy to fix compared to sticking things to his shield...


But NO!

We want to spend our developer his time on things that DON'T make people quit apex.


Im SOOO happy you changed this i would have quit the game otherwise.:


- Increased the volume of the music that plays when winning a match. 

- Added more detailed audio to the Training mission.


Seriously.... nobody cares at this point as the game is as it is right now...


- Slightly lowered the volume of Pathfinder footstep sounds heard from the first person view.


Because pathfinder should be even more comfortable to play right now!

Next to everything that is broken about him, People that were bothered by his footsteps can now also play this broken garbage comfortably.


Thanks for fixing a few small things.

Only took you 30 days to do it!


Did anyone notice i talked about 1 developer?

There is no way this quality and quantity is done by 2 or more people doing the actual work.


But then again.

Maybe this patch note is the work done by 1 developer.

And the rest of them refuse to note what they are doing explaining all the undescribed changes in the game.

Message 1 of 3 (224 Views)

Re: Patch 1.1.3 notes are incomplete? And what is the developer doing?

★★★ Expert

You know...


No regs are the result of hardware restriction in IT technology. This game does not have hitscan weapons, instead, the engine creates actual projectiles when you shoot.


There will always be discrepancies between what user-end game client says happens. And what servers says actually happened.


This is not the result of some misplaced digits, it's because IT communications are not instant.


You people are so ignorant.

Message 2 of 3 (184 Views)

Re: Patch 1.1.3 notes are incomplete? And what is the developer doing?

★★★★★ Guide

@Wingmannedbro wrote:

You know...


No regs are the result of hardware restriction in IT technology. This game does not have hitscan weapons, instead, the engine creates actual projectiles when you shoot.


There will always be discrepancies between what user-end game client says happens. And what servers says actually happened.


This is not the result of some misplaced digits, it's because IT communications are not instant.


You people are so ignorant.



That explains why pathfinder is having these issues 10 times worse then all other legends at the moment.

I don't think your story explains why people can hit every legend exept a robot?


Machines covering for machines? ^^


Also your story is only acurate when people are moving.


When i shoot a standing person point blanc and im getting no regs.

you can't blame it on it communications not being instant.


Message 3 of 3 (169 Views)