Re: One of these days...

by DoYaSeeMe

Original Post

One of these days...

[ Edited ]
★★★★★ Guide

Hey there, just curious if i'm the only one who go tru days where you can't land a shot?! 

Today was one of them, hopefully tomorrow'll be better ah ah! 

Message 1 of 10 (600 Views)

Re: One of these days...

★★ Pro

that described me every day up till recently with the hit detection update, lower mouse scope sensitivity, and being careful.

Message 2 of 10 (576 Views)

Re: One of these days...

★★★★★ Expert
@AWOL_312, you either drank too much alcohol or not enough! I never have such days. I drink my poison of choice, apple juice! Living on the very edge!
Message 3 of 10 (555 Views)

Re: One of these days...

★★★★ Pro

I feel your pain lol.


I have days where I can hit a barn door, other days I'm on point. I'm not getti ng any younger though so age may have something to do with it for me lol.

Message 4 of 10 (537 Views)

Re: One of these days...

★★★ Expert

Can't echo that statement, i've been shredding today.

Message 5 of 10 (526 Views)

Re: One of these days...

★★★ Expert

I never got more than 5 kills in a match (and that only happened once), although I'm beyond level 100. In the last two weeks, though,it got worse than 1 kill / match, although the damage average has increased. Some brawls ended with 550-650 damage (once even 780) no kills. I often prefer to give sniper support, which may explain the situation, but it still feels frustrating, as my main aim is to improve my skills, to "git gewd" Standard smile.


I think that poor aim is only a small part of the problem. Lag and performance matter a lot, considering Apex' gameplay speed. I don't think I've ever tweaked the mouse sensitivity settings as much as for this game and still feeling far off the sweet spot. The moment I do well at short range, my aim goes out the window when lag is a bit high or when picking a mid / long range fight. become worse. Sitting a bit too close to my 34" ultra wide, curved display, I sometimes push into quick, stupid suicides, because my low armor, health or ammo are a a bit far out of my focus and therefore hard to notice in the heat of the battle. Also, team members are very important, I can get more battle and weapon experience if we all work together, watching flanks, carefully picking enemies and fights, putting out covering fire and grenades, falling back when it's the case, etc.. Playing 1 vs 2-3 gets me killed often in crossfire, usually before I manage to down one of the enemies or even pull the trigger.


Another fact that I think is making the game harder lately is that the playerbase changed. February newbies are now hardcore players, there are probably more teams of friends with hundreds or thousands of hours of playing together, that often wipe the randoms easily with their experience. For people new to this genre, Apex probably feels the same as for troops dropping in Vietnam jungle during the war Standard smile.

Message 6 of 10 (489 Views)

Re: One of these days...

★★★★★ Guide



After 3 glasses of crown I forget how to play but it is way more fun after that too I don’t understand it

Message 7 of 10 (474 Views)

Re: One of these days...

★ Guide

All the time. One day I play and believe I'm a god at this game. The very next I can't land a bullet as you say. Just keep plugging away ! 

Message 8 of 10 (450 Views)

Re: One of these days...

★★★ Expert

Last night:


a) Me vs 2 (didn't see a third) final showdown, I'm with the Kraber, on a roof of a shack in the bridges area, while the enemies are in the narrow tunnel south of my position. What do I do? After landing a shot and missing the next 2, I run back, only to fall in the river and then die outside of the ring because it's round 4 and I can't heal and move fast enough...


b) Another match, 3rd random gets disconnected right before the drop, we end up in round 6 in a shack near the river, north of market, together with 3 other teams. We end up winning, 821 damage on my side but only 1 kill, teammate 1385 and 8 kills. In this game I hit all 3-4 the shots with the Kraber, but empty 2 and a half loads of energy ammo with the turbocharged havoc to score that one kill 5m away from me...


c) Chase with my fully weaponized team an unarmed pathfinder, from Cascades to Wetlands. He lives with his armor barely scratched, while we die in an ambush, with R-99s in our hands and 12-24 damage each...


d) On a wall of the Repulsor, I miss like 15-20 shots with the Wingman trying to snipe the enemy team, while my teammate goes through them unobserved (???) and rescues the banner of the other teammate. The enemy Pathfinder shots a zipline my way, to give me the chance of missing another 5-6 of the easiest possible shots a player can do with the Wingman. Good thing I have the r99 to scratch them off the zipline and live 30 seconds more, while our teammate is respawned. My banner rescuer comes alone and is easily downed and then... we get to watch our freshly saved teammate unarmed, without armor, not looting, not coming to the rescue or running away, but just jumping in the river and pumping stim... W T F?


One of those nights...

Message 9 of 10 (396 Views)

Re: One of these days...

One of those nights where I miss everything and shit hits the fan what I normally do Is get some good tunes in the background playing and a sit down start relaxing with a cold and sweet cider. To get me to chill and relax normally improves my aim while playing. 
If I get triggers while playing a specific game I try to play something else to get my mind on something else and once I'm relaxed I go back and pew pew. 
Message 10 of 10 (340 Views)