Re: Name a legend you do horribly with as your teammate?

by rockyboy1998

Original Post

Name a legend you do horribly with as your teammate?

Not because the legend is particularly bad, but just because the legends play style makes you play horribly.

I struggle with Mirage, the bamboozle confuse the heck out of me. The foot step audio and I can't tell what's what despite the blue glow from his bamboozles. Nice part is mirages typically clutch it.

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Message 1 of 19 (506 Views)

Re: Name a legend you do horribly with as your teammate?

★ Expert
@DarthValtrex Gibby. I hate dome fights specifically.
Message 2 of 19 (500 Views)

Re: Name a legend you do horribly with as your teammate?

@Daze623 Oh yeah, dome fights can be tricky.

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Message 3 of 19 (497 Views)

Re: Name a legend you do horribly with as your teammate?

★★ Pro
@DarthValtrex Rampart. I don't like when they block all the doors.
Message 4 of 19 (462 Views)

Re: Name a legend you do horribly with as your teammate?

@DarthValtrex I played 2 games as mirage yesterday. The footstep audio confused me. 🤣
Message 5 of 19 (449 Views)

Re: Name a legend you do horribly with as your teammate?

★★★ Pro
@Daze623 I have dome fights too.

You can practise these in the FR if you really struggle!
Message 6 of 19 (427 Views)

Re: Name a legend you do horribly with as your teammate?

★★★ Pro
@DarthValtrex Difficult one for me... I would say it has to be Rev, I always miss my silences and if I don't have my ult I end up being pretty useless. Then again, I could say Path because I can't use his grapple to save my life.
Message 7 of 19 (425 Views)

Re: Name a legend you do horribly with as your teammate?

★★★★ Guide

@DarthValtrex If you're asking which Legends I hate as a teammate that's Bangalore and Horizon. I play legends that fortify spots to block pushes so I hate being blinded. Horizons have a bad habit of pushing high elevation fights so I'm forced to stick to them like glue or watch them go 1v3 and die outside of my range.

Message 8 of 19 (423 Views)

Re: Name a legend you do horribly with as your teammate?

@DarthValtrex This is so hard. I cant really come up with one because I have played with good players who know how to use every legend.
Message 9 of 19 (412 Views)

Re: Name a legend you do horribly with as your teammate?

★★★ Pro


Wattson. I spend a minute or two creating a beautiful fence network to camp in a building and my Octane teammate runs away into the horizon (haha funny pun) and gets knocked. Naturally I go to help and die myself. Still wish there was friendly fire in this game...

Message 10 of 19 (397 Views)