Re: Low profile only being 5%

by Elamami3440

Original Post

Low profile only being 5%

★★★★ Novice

Can we talk about how low 5% damage increase on low profile characters is? 

Like half the guns in this game do below 20 damage per shot. The flatline, does 16 per shot; 5% of that is below 1 damage. Even though the developers may round the damage up, 1 extra damage is bollox. 

Message 1 of 35 (696 Views)

Re: Low profile only being 5%

★ Expert
@KILLERWOLFM8N they also take full damage when they get shot in the legs but yeah I think it's kinda low.
Message 2 of 35 (688 Views)

Re: Low profile only being 5%

★★★★★ Guide
@Daze623 What do u mean low?

Low profile is insane if u hit your shots
Message 3 of 35 (676 Views)

Re: Low profile only being 5%

★★★★★ Guide
@Daze623 you get full damage in the hand especially if u 1v1 someone who don't have low profile or he have FORTIFIED
Message 4 of 35 (674 Views)

Re: Low profile only being 5%

★★ Guide
@Elamami3440 if everything is so good, then why aren't you playing for the Gibraltar or caustic?
Message 5 of 35 (666 Views)

Re: Low profile only being 5%

★★ Expert

"Low Profile" is a nerf in name only, while the recent change to LP legends taking body damage to legs, 5% is as you stay, quite literally nothing. 


That's why "Fortified" works, and "Low Profile" doesn't.

Message 6 of 35 (663 Views)

Re: Low profile only being 5%

★★★★★ Guide
@Warz0ne_Legends Iam wraith main and iam playing caustic in ranked
Message 7 of 35 (662 Views)

Re: Low profile only being 5%

[ Edited ]
★★★★★ Guide

@pastaclownu mean u want them to increase it, u know that's will break the game huh?

Message 8 of 35 (656 Views)

Re: Low profile only being 5%

★★ Pro
@pastaclown Fortified makes sense though , but I really don’t feel like the size difference between the medium and small sized characters is big enough to justify a bigger damage increase than 5%
Message 9 of 35 (654 Views)

Re: Low profile only being 5%

[ Edited ]
★★ Expert

@Elamami3440 It's really not. It is quite literally mere milliseconds of decreased TTK from the most popular primaries, and a mere 1 bullet less fired for most weapons. 


Don't believe me? Do the math yourself.

Every weapon there tells you how they perform against Low Profile legends. 

Compare that to Rock Paper Shotguns TTK calculations here:


Edit: Do I want them to increase it? Nope. The developers only put Low Profile onto legends due to their popularity, as a way to incentivize people to play other characters. They're trying to go through and nerf said legends accordingly so everyone has a chance to shine. Problem is, the only real legend that needs LP is Wraith, because no matter how much you nerf her abilities, the heart of the matter is that she's insanely good simply due to how small she is. If they were to increase the damage taken, they'd do so for everyone, meaning Wattson, Lifeline, Pathfinder, etc. would get a hard nerf despite not having the same kill/pick rate as Wraith. 

Message 10 of 35 (650 Views)