Re: Limited time event ideas

by Cracjaw450

Original Post

Limited time event ideas

★★★ Novice

My limited time event idea is this:

Kill Swap

When a player finishes a kill (could be fun to have it only be the person who actually does that final damage), their entire loadout is instantly swapped with that of the dead player's.  Their gear is now in the dead player's deathbox and they have whatever that dead player had (like everything, not just weapons and ammo)

Why this can be fun:

-It's a disincentive to kill newly spawned players

-it promotes close quarters fights and teamwork

-it will slow down 3rd party attacks since the teams may have just swapped for pretty bad gear

-gatekeeping the zone will be very risky since you might just lose all your gear

-it challenges the core idea of looting in a battle royale game

-like everything else in gaming, others will find interesting and crazy ways to exploit the mechanic in their favor (like one player always having 2 Mozambique, low ammo, and a bunch of level one shotgun bolts just to get killed first and be looted by their teammates)


I hope this thread takes off and lots of people contribute.

Message 1 of 7 (274 Views)

Re: Limited time event ideas

★★★★★ Expert
@unic0rnseed Sounds like a fun idea in theory. In practice it wont be as fun... I dont want my loadout to be switched with some random I just killed... What if they were out of bullets, had no decent gun or armor... yea then you’re screwed as you essentially have to open the death box to get your items again...

Not only that but the logistical coding for this sounds extreme... what kind of bugs would we see associated with this LTM XD
Message 2 of 7 (264 Views)

Re: Limited time event ideas

★★★ Novice

That's the point of the thing. It's harder and more interesting. But hey maybe it's hard to code. I don't know. Thanks for almost saying something positive about it though

Message 3 of 7 (257 Views)

Re: Limited time event ideas

★★★★★ Expert
@unic0rnseed No problem. Keep thinking outside the box.
Message 4 of 7 (255 Views)

Re: Limited time event ideas

★★★ Novice

Ok this one is not as original but Evo everything would be cool. All loot is LVL 1 and doing damage with the weapon it's on levels it up. I suppose sights would be exempt since 3x isn't necessarily better than holo 1x or bruiser 2x etc.

Message 5 of 7 (247 Views)

Re: Limited time event ideas

★★★★ Guide
@Koochi-Q Haha, Deathbox? Loot swapping? Thinking outside the box? I see what you did there Koochi-Q, I'm on to you.
Message 6 of 7 (228 Views)

Re: Limited time event ideas

★★★★★ Expert
@Cracjaw450 I could never stay perfectly mysterious here 😜 Everyone catches on to my witty remarks Frown
Message 7 of 7 (221 Views)