Re: Let's bash the new guy!

by ApexHateSoloQers

Original Post

Re: Let's bash the new guy!

★★ Guide
@apostolateofDOOM State ID tied into your game.
No ID? No game.
Banned? ID get's blacklisted.
Message 31 of 39 (435 Views)

Re: Let's bash the new guy!

@apostolateofDOOM Honestly I think the best way for an SBMM to work would be as some others suggested.

Ranked is done a KD/Damage/Placement score. No tier demotion protection. PUBS possible be level 0-100 noob lobbies after that no or very mild SBMM. That might be the answer to SBMM. The only issue I see with it, most mid/low skill players avoid ranked they don’t think they can compete.

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Message 32 of 39 (425 Views)

Re: Let's bash the new guy!

★★★★★ Expert
@DarthValtrex If they just reduce the cap on kills would be an improvement as farming damage in ranked would promote more sniping and no tier demotion protection, i wasn't a fan of it before but it's starting to grow on me.

If ranked actually kept you in your category instead of this current pick n mix then add a warning to pub matches selection that players of all skill ranges will be included then you'd probably find an increase in ranked players.
Message 33 of 39 (410 Views)

Re: Let's bash the new guy!

[ Edited ]
★★★★★ Expert

@DarthValtrexI'm just quoting this from another thread but it looks like SBMM is primarily for newer players. 


Chad Grenier (Game Director at Respawn):

''Keeps new players, right, when we turn skill-based matchmaking off, we see new players come into the game and they turn away much sooner, because they’re getting matched with high-tier players and they’re getting stomped. So we have concrete evidence that skill-based matchmaking is good for the overall health of the game. That’s why we haven’t addressed it. It’s clearly good for the game. I know that we get backlash from certain key players who want to go pubstomp people, but for every person pubstomping, there’s many victims that have the opposite experience, where they’re getting smacked. We need skill-based matchmaking. I think every game out there has some version of skill-based matchmaking. Obviously, not every game handles it the same way. But we feel like it’s really healthy for our game.''

Maybe they should check accounts and see what portion in lower levels are made up of smurfs to see if that number really is healthy for the game.

Message 34 of 39 (381 Views)

Re: Let's bash the new guy!

@apostolateofDOOM They definately need to look at how many new smurfs there are. It is one of those things they do not want to admit tho.

I personally am for some sbmm as it helps me have fun but in it's current state I feel bad for those of you who are really good at killing.
Message 35 of 39 (373 Views)

Re: Let's bash the new guy!

★★★★★ Expert
@hayhor I like sweaty SBMM personally but i fully agree with those that want a more enjoyable experience as casual and ranked shouldn't really feel the same for times you just want to wind down n chill.

We know they won't declare it but maybe they could do some behind the scene investigation and tweaks as just 1 decent smurf in bronze, silver or low level lobby will wipe half the server and they're rampant atm.

Like everything there's a middle ground that could improve both ends.
Message 36 of 39 (347 Views)

Re: Let's bash the new guy!

★★★ Pro
@pastaclown The problem is any form of matchmaking will be exploited by smurfs.

So random is the only way to go.

New should learn they way I learned, live die repeat.
Until they get good.
They shouldnt be protected.

Respawn should make a totally new game just for dumbpeople.

Not turn a game for smart people into a game for dumb people and punish those smart people for being smart.

The smart people made this game cool to play.
Message 37 of 39 (333 Views)

Re: Let's bash the new guy!

★★★ Novice


I say no at all or yes for implementing it under level 100-200....

Why? Smurfs needs to be taken out of those lobbies.
Why NO for SBMM above 100-200? Because if you go to a war you will meet better soldiers and worse than you. That's it simple as that... SBMM on low levels could be the "training" of the soldiers. AND I REPEAT! If you go to a WAR you will meet with veteran soldiers and others who are on their first mission... That's it more fun for everyone.


Message 38 of 39 (269 Views)

Re: Let's bash the new guy!

[ Edited ]
★★★ Novice

If i get a 6 kill game i go into lobbies with 2000-15000 kills on one character when i only have 2600 lifetime kills on lvl 430 lol. Can't even get a fun game cuz at the end there is 4 sweaty teams fighting in pubs like it's ranked.... And times when i get low skilled team mates under lvl 100 and i am the bad guy when i am fustrated for lower skilled players messing up my game and tell them fkin idots in chat. I constantly getting players like a lifeline who tried to revive our team mate in the 2nd last ring also they were looting there togeteher with half health, that's why they both got knocked... EA should ban itself not me....

Message 39 of 39 (265 Views)