Re: Great day of “smart” teammates

by AcidicSoda44031

Original Post

Re: Great day of “smart” teammates

[ Edited ]
★★★ Pro

Guys, seriously, I just had a JM who hot dropped a little late on the Gauntlet in KC. There were like 5 squads going in there, so I thought we were doomed... and all of a sudden, the JM steered at the last second to drive us off the map. I realized this just in time so I could break off, do a 180 turn and land on the edge, and that was close. The JM and my other teammate did not make it and died, and their boxes were so close to each other they were so cute 🥰

Guess what I did next? I grabbed the banner of my other teammate, and left the JM's one just there. The JM starts to spam pinging his banner, but I ignored it. My other teammate left the game (I mean, understandable) and as the JM kept spamming, I said fine, I'mma grab your banner too. I grab his banner, and the JM leaves the game. Are you kidding me? I had to dodge 5 squads to save you with nothing to defend myself, and you just leave like that? Seriously? And you know what's funny in all of this? I managed to get second place. Ah, if only I had teammates I could have had a chance to win.


Also, the next game I was sent in with 1 teammate missing. Argh! 

Message 21 of 39 (366 Views)

Re: Great day of “smart” teammates

★★ Expert
@AcidicSoda44031 My win rate would be like 2-3 times higher if I had teammates. Soooo many games where I'm solo against last (full) squad. Had a game the other day where I fought them solo for 3 minutes! Killed one, downed one twice and the third once, still lost... as I always say: "Imagine if I had teammates".
Message 22 of 39 (296 Views)

Re: Great day of “smart” teammates

This is why I Main Loba.


Yes her tactical is always buggy but being able to get loot to help my team be better equipped in a fight is crucial planing in public lobbies with randoms


If I'm the jumpmaster I will always land somewhere safe for the team that has good loot. NEVER will I land in Estates on Olympus(the new skulltown imo). Unless I'm with a premade squad who I know can all handle themselves.


I always give the best armor I find to my teammates 1st, before getting good loot for myself because I know MY skill level and can handle myself as a Solo.(yes, even as a Loba.)


Using my passive ability I always ping items especially Gold items like the Backpack:1st priority goes to a Lifeline or Mirage. If I see a Gold helmet; I take it for myself. (any character benefits from it) Same thing with the Gold shield. Knockdown shields always go to Lifeline, Mirage , or Crypto I'm teaming with because if they stay alive they have the best chance at bringing back the whole team.


I enjoy playing games like Apex because they work best when people play as a Team, so I try to be as generous as possible when I play.


Just wish more people had my same mentality, I just try to think of it like I'm balancing out the Apex community when it comes to Toxic players, by being extra generous. 


   ~ Miss Luna




F.Y.I. I play on an Xbox One X with Controller. Gamertag: SILVERisSORY



Message 23 of 39 (289 Views)

Re: Great day of “smart” teammates

★★★★★ Expert
@AcidicSoda44031 Should’ve left him. I would... most likely after his banner timed out I would leave the game, just to make him wait that extra time...

No idea how but I saw this comment on another thread instead of at your comment...

Message 24 of 39 (278 Views)

Re: Great day of “smart” teammates

[ Edited ]
★★★ Pro

@Koochi-Q It's likely that many people ran into that kind of JM and reported it, so not surprising.


However you are right, I should've let him spam pinging until his timer ran out. So he spammed for nothing in the end and wasted his time.


EDIT: Now that I think of it... what do you mean you saw my comment in another thread? Wondering

Message 25 of 39 (268 Views)

Re: Great day of “smart” teammates

★★★ Guide
@KelRiever I’m plat right now 🤦🏻‍♂️ plat is where I have the dumbest squad mates
Message 26 of 39 (244 Views)

Re: Great day of “smart” teammates

★★★★★ Expert
@Koochi-Q Wait extra time?
Message 27 of 39 (232 Views)

Re: Great day of “smart” teammates

★★★★★ Expert
@AcidicSoda44031 Report??? 😂😂😂 Not if they're on PS!
Message 28 of 39 (231 Views)

Re: Great day of “smart” teammates

★★★ Expert

@DaDeDimson Sort of.  Most quitters ever besides silver.  But dumbest?  No, I think most of the people below plat are actually dumber.  


Maybe its because everybody in plat thinks they are secret Masters level, whereas all us plats are really gold players who know how the scoring system works Wink

Message 29 of 39 (216 Views)

Re: Great day of “smart” teammates

★★★★★ Expert
@AcidicSoda44031 Yea but there’s no griefing report button yet so nothing will or has happened yet. I don’t even think a lot will have reported him/her for that reason cause they know nothing would have been done about that person.

Not your comment. I read your comment (the 21st post on this thread). Backed out, read other threads. Went back to this thread (or so I assume), replied and went off the interwebz after fulfilling my duty of replying to someone for no reason. Came back on way later and saw that my comment (number 24) was in another thread XD so deleted it there and pasted it here.

So either I was really weirdly drunk without touching the devil’s nectar or I misclicked and misread so bad that I should get my eyes checked... or the site bamboozled me 😜

@Lord_Scorpion34 extra time as in time left before banner turning into a fossil and be unattainable since there’s no crypto/digital-archeologist in the roster 😜
Message 30 of 39 (191 Views)