Feedback: Things i really dislike about the game

by klikard

Original Post


Feedback: Things i really dislike about the game

[ Edited ]
★ Guide

Wanted to share some of the things i dislike about the game


Character blocking volume on example exposure "being pushed away from rock wall while in air/parachute" In many cases completely unreasonable as it wouldn't be advantage to be able to land there


Grenade launcher bounces of walls not destroying them "I don't even understand why this would be changed, it has been great/usefull and unchanged since 2007"


Character un crouch after slide or no crouch sprint


In vehicle camera mouse sensitivity not same as normal sens "extremely slow, 1p view undesirable to use"


Tank turret etc... Linked to cross hair, controls feel really jelly and bad. Should be independent from each other like previous titles


No server browser and not being to select map or map rotation you want to play


Spawn screen, should me more like battlefield 4 or similar in terms of vehicle selection. Quads not even selectable if they are available in base


Spawn locations too far away from select point at times, spawning you in enemy flag


Vehicle spawn time limit, not spawn delay


Somewhat lack of content for main game "weapons, gadgets etc..." This also goes for uniform and head gear, no balaclavas or tactical helmet/goggles etc... Just basic stuff


Playing with friends hard to do unless there is squad space, also impossible to play against friends as you can't see server info and join the server they are on


Return to menu every match "no map rotation or next round if only one map"


128p "Works somewhat good but the focus should have been 64p, considering several reason" 128p sounds really great/cool on paper but for now it isn't perfect in practice, maybe it will be improved in the future


Spotting "should be returned to BF1 and earlier"


Only 32v32 solo/friends vs AI


AI don't seem to revive much, just in rare cases


Meele "anything before this game or after after BF1 would be great meele system"


Specialists "the amount of freedom you get is pretty amazing, but maybe classes could work better in some cases" I'd say i am 50/50 for specialist/classes


As a side note, changes and new features in the battlefield games have usually always been for the better. But each new game these days seems to be full of several strange/unnecessary changes. I think experimenting so much and changing to much of things that already work great could be bad, even tough this can also be really great if it's something that works really well.


EDIT: No cover lean

Message 1 of 21 (647 Views)

Re: Feedback: Things i really dislike about the game

[ Edited ]

That's a pretty comprehensive list of changes, many of which if DICE were to implement them would definitely make BF2042 a better game.

I agree that many of the changes seen in BF2042 are unnecessary and have definitely not been an improvement over previous BF games.


So much so that in many ways it doesn't feel like a BF title.

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Message 2 of 21 (598 Views)

Re: Feedback: Things i really dislike about the game

[ Edited ]
★ Guide

@RayD_O1Some of the changes to me is like, why would they even change that? One major example is not having a scoreboard, like who even approved or expected that to work in a multiplayer shooter?


Despite this, there has been many features that i wished for that was added to this. Also some improvements in general


If DICE wanted a good starting template for a nice battlefield in my eyes it would be: BF4 core, BF5/2042 Character movement "All character movement features from BF5 but sliding from 2042", BF1 meele and 2042 gunplay with some adjustments but it's acceptable as is i'd say.


In my opinion they seem to work more and more in the wrong places rather than the right ones. Trying to fix something that already works great or change it to something else unnecessary. No point in reinventing the wheel or a worse one for that matter. One great example of this again is the lack of scoreboard earlier

Message 3 of 21 (561 Views)

Re: Feedback: Things i really dislike about the game

[ Edited ]
★★★ Pro

Grenade launcher bounces of walls not destroying them "I don't even understand why this would be changed, it has been great/usefull and unchanged since 2007"
This has ruined my loadout and play style. Essentially my under barrel grenade attachment is now useless as the grenades don't explode on impact and just bounce off somewhere and explode 30 seconds later in a corner 100 yards from where I shot it.

Message 4 of 21 (533 Views)

Re: Feedback: Things i really dislike about the game

★ Guide

@CloverDeuceI can totally understand that this could reduce the overall experience for you or even make you frustrated. Usually i die from them as they bounce back in my face when i try to go trough wall, i keep forgetting hehe.

Sometimes it's just like, what even is this game.

Message 5 of 21 (511 Views)

Re: Feedback: Things i really dislike about the game

★★★ Pro
@klikard gotta watch them incendiaries! 🧯
Message 6 of 21 (500 Views)

Re: Feedback: Things i really dislike about the game

★★ Expert

Spawns are still crazy. Spawning at a point only to be shot in the back by someone right behind you is infuriating. That or spawning so far away you spend 30 seconds just running to the point.

Message 7 of 21 (476 Views)

Re: Feedback: Things i really dislike about the game


@edgecrusherO0 wrote:

Spawns are still crazy. Spawning at a point only to be shot in the back by someone right behind you is infuriating. That or spawning so far away you spend 30 seconds just running to the point.

100% This, it's infuriating.

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Message 8 of 21 (470 Views)

Re: Feedback: Things i really dislike about the game

★★★★ Guide
@edgecrusherO0 Exposure BT B1 objective spawn literally spawns the attackers on the Defender's side of the objective, usually in pain view of their actual spawn. Worst spawn mechanics ever.
Message 9 of 21 (465 Views)

Re: Feedback: Things i really dislike about the game

★★ Expert
@XSive_Drez Exposure on Breakthrough overall is pretty hot garbage. The way sections are broken up providing insane amounts of cover for pilots to be able to avoid ever being shot down without 5+ people coordinating, the crazy spawn distances defenders often have if attackers are anywhere near capture points.

I've given up on that mode/map combo, sadly. I prefer Breakthrough in general, even if it's the lame 64p variant because DICE can't be bothered to actually make the game run well when they have overly complex maps and try to jam 120+ people into a single capture point. But at this point CQ is the only mode that feels remotely good on the new map, which is pretty good overall, I just hate how often CQ turns into a running simulator unless you're redeploying. Even with more civilian vehicles around.
Message 10 of 21 (450 Views)


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