Re: Cheaters Add" Vote to kick option, real time kicking

by OggOne

Original Post

Re: Cheaters Add" Vote to kick option, real time kicking

★★★ Guide

I have a feeling vote to kick would be abused. Say you killed some people and they got real salty and vote to kick you even tho you were not cheating. I just don't see this being a good idea.

Message 31 of 48 (551 Views)

Re: Cheaters Add" Vote to kick option, real time kicking

★★ Guide

@d3adc3II Who the hell are you kid on this forum? are you representative for EA team? No? then mind your business kid. I prefer listen to someone more technical about the game and well informed, not your crap by copying others people information to your post.

Message 32 of 48 (568 Views)

Re: Cheaters Add" Vote to kick option, real time kicking

★★★★ Guide
Well said indeed. Submit another 500 reports will definitely clear all cheaters. Since 1 report will take you 15 mins, it's just another 125 hours.
Should not be a problem if you're unemployed.
Message 33 of 48 (538 Views)

Re: Cheaters Add" Vote to kick option, real time kicking

★★ Apprentice

Would you rather have a few people abusing "vote to kick" or allow the cheat carry on playing the match and wiping out all of the players to win the game?


There is some easy fail-safe you can add to the vote to kick, for example you can only vote to kick so many players once a month until it replenished or you have to purchase the battle pass, there is so many fail-safe you can add to make it work, all you have to do is to think about it a little harder...


Cheating is abusing the game!, so adding a "vote to kick" with fail-safe can stop cheats from abusing the game. I've played games with vote to kick and I haven't seen a lot of abuse in fact the fail-safe like "yes or no to kick player" has saved a lot of people from being kicked


Any smart dev cant make vote to kick work.

Message 34 of 48 (515 Views)

Re: Cheaters Add" Vote to kick option, real time kicking

★ Guide

@OggOne, I can see where this system would be abused.  This can be used against players that aren't cheaters.

I don't think that anyone wants to be booted from a game and they've done nothing wrong.
It's 100% unacceptable that there are cheaters, and it's 100% incorrect that a system could be abused.

Until then, you're stuck reporting the players and waiting for bans.

Now, for private servers that wants this type of feature!  That's up to the server admin and/or moderators.

Booting players from private servers, for no reason at all, is still a MAJOR issue in ALL games!

When I was playing CS 1.6, while in the military, back in 2004, moderators and admins would boot players for no reason at all.
I quit playing CS because cheaters started becoming a major issue.

Message 35 of 48 (506 Views)

Re: Cheaters Add" Vote to kick option, real time kicking

★★★★ Guide
I dunno about ur region, but for SEA servers, i see less cheaters these few days.
Nowadays none of online games I've known of have "vote kick"
Message 36 of 48 (493 Views)

Re: Cheaters Add" Vote to kick option, real time kicking

★★★★ Apprentice
This is a horrible idea... What they need is active GMs in game so when reports are fired someone goes in and specs that user.
Message 37 of 48 (467 Views)

Re: Cheaters Add" Vote to kick option, real time kicking

★★ Apprentice

This vote to kick option would be different from the previous games, for starters you have to report the person for cheating to activate the vote to kick and more than 5 players have to report that same person for cheating for anything to happen, also as I said it would have fail-safes, another fail-safe which could be added to previous fail-safes I've listed would be


"wrongful reporting" if you wrongfully report someone who isn't cheating more than 3 times a month then that person would be blacklisted for a week ban until they can play again, this would encourage players not to report other players because they got killed by them. Which would also encourage players only to report people/players who are actually cheating. People would learn not to send in false reports as time goes on and it would help with the workload by reducing false reports to the anti cheat program.


Large streamers could have "streamer protection" by signing up to a system which stops them being kicked and instead has their stream looked at by the anti cheat program


So far it seems no one here actually wants the cheaters to be kicked from a match in "REAL TIME" to stop them winning.


You do realize cheaters use cheats to win matches take that from them and they have nothing to gain. People/players cheat to make their stats look good or to prove their cheating system is better than any other cheating systems to help with cheat mod sales.


Cheats go Undetected by the anti cheat software because it cant detect what we see in game! and the reason people can cheat in games is because "players info" is easily accessible, if players info was "encrypted" so only the server knows what's going on when a player gets shot or the players location then it might be a different story.


p.s people please don't hold grudges of pervious "vote to kick systems" for older other games they just wasn't "implemented properly" and they lacked detail to go with the mechanism  

Message 38 of 48 (458 Views)

Re: Cheaters Add" Vote to kick option, real time kicking

★★ Novice

Developer should ban the cheater(s) hardware like csgo did. 

Message 39 of 48 (440 Views)

Re: Cheaters Add" Vote to kick option, real time kicking

[ Edited ]
★★★ Apprentice

@jumanjaydazedWell I have seen this i other games. So I am note sure with Votekick would be a good idea. But it's not only here. EA care less and Battlefield is a play ground for cheaters and the new firestorm, just left the game for good. I have around 10 solo wins, but people camp so hard and cheater wh and aimbot. And there is no chat system in that game, you can only watch the one that killed you in thirdparty mode, and get frustrated.

Did respawn not enable Hardware ban? or did they remove it again. Since I only see that as the way to learn this generation of kids not to cheat the hard way.

Message 40 of 48 (425 Views)