Re: Avoiding police pursuits

by JamieK81

Original Post

Avoiding police pursuits

★ Novice

Just curious.  How far can you advance in the game doing mostly daytime events and, avoiding nighttime police pursuits?

Message 1 of 3 (153 Views)

Re: Avoiding police pursuits

★★★★★ Newbie

Not far at all. As the game introduces you into the world and characters at the start, ana (companion character) literally says something along the lines of, "if you wanna spend all the money you make from the showdown, you gotta make a name for yourself at night"(going off of memory). 


Now when you say "mostly" then you should be fine. You can earn rep in the day by completing challenges which you can select in your garage, however you dont get much rep compared to night time races. However (spoilers.. not really) the main storyline missions happen mostly at night. While you can avoid the cops all you like, sometimes during races the cops will start pursuing you (its inevitable). 

Message 2 of 3 (147 Views)

Re: Avoiding police pursuits

★★★ Guide

@ecnar999 wrote:

Just curious.  How far can you advance in the game doing mostly daytime events and, avoiding nighttime police pursuits?

Well, there are 2 story tiers, one at night, one during the see the story, you need to do both........the cops are just too powerful to even bother playing.

Message 3 of 3 (146 Views)