Re: Apex Legends : Quality of Life Improvement Requests

by frostysniper1942

Original Post

Re: Apex Legends : Quality of Life Improvement Requests

[ Edited ]

@wongcung  You're not being ignored lol, there is something in the pipeline apperently regarding a data centre in SA but I think it's being held back by some bureaucracy bs.


It's not as simple as just whipping up a data centre wherever they please unfortunately.

CCP Champion Banner - Blue.png

Message 161 of 610 (4,259 Views)

Re: Apex Legends : Quality of Life Improvement Requests

★★★★★ Expert
@BillyCrash100 It would be better if an ultimate ready animation shows up on the name of players on the bottom. It doesn't obscure the HP tho. It works like those animated ranked badges.
Message 162 of 610 (4,250 Views)

Re: Apex Legends : Quality of Life Improvement Requests

★★★ Pro

Would you please make the animation for grabbing a banner from a teammate's deathbox a little faster? I mean one already risks to go for the banner, and this slow animation (i.e. not being able to use the gun during animation) is an extra punishment for teammates.

Message 163 of 610 (4,224 Views)

Re: Apex Legends : Quality of Life Improvement Requests

★★★ Novice


better servers = very good quality of life in game. *mic drop*

Message 164 of 610 (4,158 Views)

Re: Apex Legends : Quality of Life Improvement Requests

★★★★ Novice

One thing they definitely NEED to fix is the SBMM or skill based matchmaking. And the reason why I say this is because whenever I play a casual match off drop people in game die left and right because they're fighting pro players or just people who are good at the game like Tannerslays or Staycation and I find this really annoying. But I play on console so my actual complaint is how poorly made it is in this game. And I feel as if you slapped it on in there with hopes it would workout. WELL IT DIDN'T. Instead it's more as if you said 1.09 k/d means you play with pros and if you have 25.9 k/d means you play with people who are new and who have never played this game AT ALL. And I don't understand why it would be in a casual match and casual means just have fun but instead, it feels exactly like ranked games which are made for SBMM. 

Message 165 of 610 (4,068 Views)

Re: Apex Legends : Quality of Life Improvement Requests

★★★ Guide
@Cabowse okay i like what you've done here it could use some work here and their but still good job
Message 166 of 610 (4,041 Views)

Re: Apex Legends : Quality of Life Improvement Requests


Added a few changes to Loba's kit as well as a few requests from community members.





Hey there I'm a volunteered Champion! I don't work for EA I just like to help out around the forums, keep the peace and submit ideas to the community.

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Got some QOL ideas for Apex? Add them here: 

Apex Legends QOL Collection

Message 167 of 610 (3,992 Views)

Re: Apex Legends : Quality of Life Improvement Requests

★★ Novice

1. Quick "Clear All" button for multiple new items in the lobby. 


2. Ability to favorite top three legends to avoid auto picking of a non-favorited legend. 

Message 168 of 610 (3,963 Views)

Re: Apex Legends : Quality of Life Improvement Requests

★★★ Novice

I have also had an issue on xbox where pressing x to self revive on gold knockdown while next to a door causes the door to swing open while i am self reviving due to both actions being mapped to the same button. a Good solution would be to bind self revive to  heal (d-pad up) instead of the button for open doors/reload(x button) currently there is no easy way to remap those actions separately. 

Message 169 of 610 (3,906 Views)

Re: Apex Legends : Quality of Life Improvement Requests

★ Guide

I would like Loba to be able to steal friendly banners from their deathboxes with the Black Market Boutique. I hear some people I've suggested this to say it wouldn't be balanced, but I think it is, since you only get to steal two items per Boutique, and the banners would each take one spot. Others say that this would make Crypto's ability to do the same obsolete, but I disagree as Crypto is able to take banners with his Tactical while Loba would have to wait for her Ultimate.


Speaking of Crypto, I think he should be immune to scans while controlling his drone. I also think Crypto should be able to use survey beacons as well. The effect of his EMP on himself should be at least lessened, if not removed.


There should be an option for you to ask your squadmates to ping specific weapons or weapon types (for instance, a voiceline that says "I want an R-301" or "Looking for a sniper rifle")


The Mozambique should be categorized as a pistol instead of a shotgun.

Message 170 of 610 (3,864 Views)