Re: Abandon Penalty should be fixed

by mastiffslinger

Original Post

Abandon Penalty should be fixed

★★★ Newbie

This Abandon Penalty is just ridiculous i got a 10 min penalty and it said it ruin it for your teammate the thing is i was already alone because i played with randoms and they disconnected and left me alone so i just left the match and boom got time Penalty that really annoying 

Message 1 of 14 (532 Views)

Re: Abandon Penalty should be fixed

★★★★★ Apprentice

I agree it should be fixed for being solo, however I think the punishment should be increased drastically for when the team is Full at the time they leave, especially if they leave after they drop from ship

Message 2 of 14 (519 Views)

Re: Abandon Penalty should be fixed

[ Edited ]
★★★★★ Guide

It should of never been a TIME OUT and whoever thought of this at EA should be reprimanded for their stupidity!


I mean seriously EA, in business it's called "Maintaining A User-Base" and you're not going to win over maintaining a user-base by acting in this manner!


The simplest and smartest choice you should of made was to just deduct points from Ranked and lower points in the regular mode that affect leveling up, so in reality you end up taking a POINTS hit and need to start over this way, rather then being treated like a 12 year old given a time out! LOL




Message 3 of 14 (513 Views)

Re: Abandon Penalty should be fixed

★ Apprentice

i also got this issue. my teammates engaged poorly and died. they did time ou and disconnected.
knowing i wont win a game alone i tried to disconnect to start over and got punished for that.
can you PLEASE make someone work on the leaver system? why are u punishing people for not wanting to get owned in a 1v3 situation.

Message 4 of 14 (484 Views)

Re: Abandon Penalty should be fixed

★★★ Apprentice

Do people often get this penalty? I don't understand why? Is it because their computer has a problem or is it because they are terrible squad mates and can't comprehend the basic concept of "sticking together"?    stange..


Broken heart

Message 5 of 14 (462 Views)

Re: Abandon Penalty should be fixed

Champion (Retired)

I believe our feedback (I've had a good moan about this myself) has been passed to the Respawn studio. I'm pretty sure they'll take another look at it at some point. Fingers crossed

Message 6 of 14 (443 Views)

Re: Abandon Penalty should be fixed

★★★★ Guide

@bndskruf wrote:

Do people often get this penalty? I don't understand why? Is it because their computer has a problem or is it because they are terrible squad mates and can't comprehend the basic concept of "sticking together"?    stange..


Broken heart

You read the OP right? His set up is fine. It's not easy being a good squad member when your squad doesn't exist.

Message 7 of 14 (433 Views)

Re: Abandon Penalty should be fixed

★ Guide
@ResTpacK But see this is the EXACT issue. It's not like you didn't start out the game alone. You didn't like how your team performed so you disconnected. You all are wanting Respawn to literally write code that will decide whether or not you quit because you are being a baby or because you are exploiting a game function or if its a legit "my two teammates got disconnected". Just take the one minute it takes to push a fight, die and hit up the next game. This is ridiculous. Grow up people.
Message 8 of 14 (419 Views)

Re: Abandon Penalty should be fixed

★★★ Apprentice





you complete me


Broken heart

Message 9 of 14 (401 Views)

Re: Abandon Penalty should be fixed

★★★★ Guide

This is not directed at anyone in particular but seriously how is this such a one sided divisive issue?


I personally think the ban is stupid plain and simple.


I am at 20 minutes 3 disconnects in ranked (code leaf) got me 15 minutes. The last one was after I quit playing ranked with my pre-made joined a random  casual game with a jumpmaster that was crap to say the least, and in the nicest terms possible. I left this casual game because honestly I am not going to land 30 yards from the trainyard and hope it works out. So yeah I got a ban 3 times for disconnects for all of you who say that isn't a thing and once for a casual game. So the ban set up is stupid from my point of view.


Now moving on I understand the logic of those who like the ban and want to see it implemented across the board. That is your opinion. See opinion? Those of you that call out people who think the ban is stupid as being cry babies let's go back a month or so ago and look at all of the posts screaming and demanding a penalty... those were pretty much in the same tone. 


I don't like the ban I also really didn't care for teammates to leave mid game or whatever.


The one thing I have taken from all of this is I would rather have a worthless teammate leave mid game or whenever they decided rather than stealing loot from me as I am gearing up or they decide to push stupid fights early game. 


I definitely approach random games with one simple mindset I am not relying on my teammates one bit I will push fights I think I have position and equipment to win not relying on someone else to have my back. Because to be honest if I am on a team and my teammates are octane, pathfinder,wraith,Bangalore or Mirage I can pretty much expect the same thing the fight starts turning out of our favor and I am going to see my "teammates" running away leaving me in the lurch 1 v 3. I can do that solo anyways without the teammates.


So I say let the toxic ones leave the game the benefits of them being in the game are sometimes worse than if they just leave.


Like I said earlier this is a divisive issue to be sure and as far as pre-mades go it would be better in the long run if they (The devs) actually had a matchmaking system that worked.


In my 5 random games last night in casual(I won't play ranked with randoms...ever again) One of my teammates had more than 100 kills everyone else had sub 100. 


Whatever criteria they are using for matching is seriously flawed, and if anyone is reading this and you are newer to the game stop rapid pinging train station or Capitol City as a landing spot. The only way I am going there is with a pre-made squad that works as a squad. 


You can hate my stance on the penalty IDC, but seriously attacking someone's position on a game board, really we don't have enough of that crap in real life you have to bring it to a feedback board that is supposedly to be used for us (the customers) to relay our feedback about their product(the game)?


Good luck to you all and I hope you guys make it tot the winners circle as often as you deserve to.

Message 10 of 14 (366 Views)