Sims 4 is there a way to stop male sims from automatically cleaning and cooking?

by AshleyL9803

Original Post

Sims 4 is there a way to stop male sims from automatically cleaning and cooking?

[ Edited ]
★ Apprentice

I"m working on my decades challenge and I'm in the middle of the 1400s. Back then, men did NOT do the household chores or look after the kids. I'm trying to be as realistic as possible. It's annoying enough that they whip out their phones once in a while to play games even though I have a mod to stop that. I usually keep a very close eye on my sims and when I catch a male sim about to do the laundry or cook, I cancel the action and select a female sim to do it. However, sometimes I don't catch them before they start the action and it completely ruins the realism of the challenge for me. Is there a mod or in-game option where I can select which sims are allowed to do certain things? I don't want my male sims cleaning, cooking, or looking after the kids. As that was strictly a woman's job back then. 

Message 1 of 3 (720 Views)

Re: Sims 4 is there a way to stop male sims from automatically cleaning and cook

I would like to say very quickly: Sims is a whimsical game for doing bizarre, funny and morbid scenarios, from feeding grandmothers to cowplants to woohooing as many occults as possible. No judgement for creative playstyles from me, and hopefully not from others either.


The best solution I can think of, does not solve 100% but a good deal anyway: lock men of the household out of the kitchen and nursery, and perhaps lock toddlers into a nursery. Neither sounds very nice but hey, it'd the dark ages. :D Also perhaps place your laundry into the kitchen too, or lock a separate laundry room from the menfolk.

Message 2 of 3 (636 Views)

Re: Sims 4 is there a way to stop male sims from automatically cleaning and cook


Have you tried the slob or lazy traits to see if they prevent or at least reduce cleaning? Not sure if there's a similar trait for cooking, but you could try the simple living lot challenge and then keep all the ingredients in your cook's personal inventory rather than the fridge. As for taking care of kids... only thing I can think of may not be acceptable to your storyline, but if the game doesn't recognize the father as the child's father but rather just a housemate, they'll be more likely to ignore said child.


For babies though, you'll still have to lock them in a room somewhere where only people you want caring for them can reach, otherwise every man, woman, and child on or near the lot will go check on them as soon as they cry.

I am a Volunteer for Answers HQ, I do not work for EA
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