Re: Chat shows offline?


Original Post

Chat shows offline?

★★ Novice

Why is my chat showing offline? I'm online? says. "We can't connect you to your friends list or chat right now. Hang tight, we'll get you chatting with friends as soon as possible." What do I do? Is it origin side? Anything I can do?

Message 1 of 3 (441 Views)

Re: Chat shows offline?

Hero (Retired)

@Super_Saiyan4223 Hi,


Try to restart Origin, this should help you.

Message 2 of 3 (404 Views)

Re: Chat shows offline?

★★★ Newbie


Almost 2 years later and hundreds of people still have this issue.

I tried everything the tech support recommended and it didn't work.

Finally i tried connecting to my hot spot on my phone and voila the chat is online again. I played a game on that network, and then i reset my router and everything connected to it and switched without closing origin and it worked, i don't know if this may work for u, but the problem is a conflict with ur ip address or smth related. GL

Message 3 of 3 (263 Views)