Origin update broke the mod launcher

by ERG_Cawfee

Original Post

Origin update broke the mod launcher

[ Edited ]
★ Novice

As you can see at https://bibber.eu/downloads/cnc-ultimate-collection-launchers/ [Third party re-added - Admin.] It said that "Due to an Origin update the launchers are no longer functional."

Is there another way to play mods without using this launcher?

Message 1 of 4 (662 Views)

Re: Origin update broke the mod launcher

[ Edited ]

@ERG_Cawfee Which game?



Not sure what link you removed... but Origin getting in the way of even the official mod launching methods (like in C&C3) is a real and serious problem. If this was Bibber's launchers pack, it's been a cornerstone of the community fixes for TUC for ages. If you feel a need to remove links to that, please also do feel a need to alert developers to the problems caused by filtering command line parameters in these games.


That is, if there still are any people assigned to even maintaining the C&C collection on Origin. Ever since Victory Games shut down, I never got the impression there were.

Like a lot of people helping out around this place, I am a volunteer, not an EA employee. I'm just here to help. If my answer helped you, please give XP. And if an answer solved your problem, be sure to accept it as solution.
I will not help with game questions sent as private messages; those questions belong on the boards where everyone can see my answers.
Message 2 of 4 (627 Views)

Re: Origin update broke the mod launcher

Community Manager



Link re-added.

Message 3 of 4 (613 Views)

Re: Origin update broke the mod launcher

★★★ Newbie

This is a huge situation, EA is constantly destroying there own products. One second we are enjoying playing command and conqueror generals with friends and family next week we are wondering why direct connect is busted and we're forced to play them on virus filled third party sites.


Now we have mod authors who have spent tons of man hours bringing us mods and such(Keeping your brand alive for free), and it's almost like EA is doing everything in it's power to kill it's own brand. There is no reason on earth that we should go through hell to access a silly little UI to enable mods, none what so ever, modding for a cnc game or Battle Field game should have been taken as serious as you guys do for a Maxis games.


To top it all off, we buy the Ultimate Edition rather then individual games, and you continue to punish us? We should never ever have to rely on a third party program to enable a built in feature of one of your games.


This is pure insanity, who the hell is running Electronic Arts these days?




That rating was 2 years ago, we now need to update that to even worst company in America.

Message 4 of 4 (569 Views)