Re: Sidious Basic attacks (deathstroke) not ignoring armor at all

by Grandepatron

Original Post

Sidious Basic attacks (deathstroke) not ignoring armor at all

[ Edited ]
★★★★★ Apprentice

Product: Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes
Platform:Apple iPhone
What type of device are you experiencing the issue with? Iphone 7
OS Version 10
Ally Code: (Find it here: ) 253132859
What type of issue do you have? Gameplay
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
Summarize your bug Sidious Basic ability reads : "Deal Physical damage to target enemy and inflict Healing Immunity for 3 turns with a 50% chance (doubled if the target is debuffed) to ignore Defense". While doing though rough testing of the damage he deals on basic, I have found a studious with 2791 physical damage critting on a debuted toon for only 4300 damage. this is simply not possible on a critical hit assuming he bypasses opponent toon armor. His minimal damage should be 2791 * 1,839 (ability level8) * 0,95 (5% damage variance) * 1,5 (minimal critical damage). so 7314 should be the minimum damage Sid with 2791 offense should be doing on basic, if basic is omegaed, and opponent is debuffed. Could you have a look at it please?
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Simply use Sid basic on a rebuffed too and observe the damage is not at all in line with what is expected
Connection Type Wifi
Please select your region North America
Country USA

Sidious Basic ability reads : "Deal Physical damage to target enemy and inflict Healing Immunity for 3 turns with a 50% chance (doubled if the target is debuffed) to ignore Defense".

While doing though rough testing of the damage he deals on basic, I have found a studious with 2791 physical damage critting on a debuted toon for only 4300 damage.

this is simply not possible on a critical hit assuming he bypasses opponent toon armor.

His minimal damage should be 2791 * 1,839 (ability level8) * 0,95 (5% damage variance) * 1,5 (minimal critical damage).

so 7314 should be the minimum damage Sid with 2791 offense should be doing on basic, if basic is omegaed, and opponent is debuffed.

Could you have a look at it please?

Easiest way to Solve the issue, change Sid ability wording and mechanics to do the following :

Modify stat Armor Penetration by 1000 (additive). (see reply below)

Message 1 of 8 (791 Views)

Re: Sidious Basic attacks (deathstroke) not ignoring armor at all

[ Edited ]
★★★★★ Apprentice

I found the issue.

in Sid ability I read the below :
Modify stat Armor Penetration Percent Additive by 100% (additive)

as a comparison in stark ability I can read this :


Modify stat Armor Penetration by 50 (additive)

So i beleive that simply the armor penetration percent additive of 100% doesnt work (does it increase armor penetration by 1?)

Easiest way to Solve the issue, change Sid ability wording and mechanics to do the following :

Modify stat Armor Penetration by 1000 (additive).

This way it ensures that no amount of defense on even the tankiest toon could ever mitigate some damage on Sid basic

Message 2 of 8 (749 Views)

Re: Sidious Basic attacks (deathstroke) not ignoring armor at all

★★ Guide
This is Darth Sidious as I see it. I will follow with Colonel Starck.

Message 3 of 8 (551 Views)

Re: Sidious Basic attacks (deathstroke) not ignoring armor at all

[ Edited ]
★★ Guide
And Colonel Starck is here. (Edited because I had wrong ability up previously)
Message 4 of 8 (550 Views)

Re: Sidious Basic attacks (deathstroke) not ignoring armor at all

★★★★★ Apprentice



has this bug been acknowledged please, I even suggested a very easy way to fix it, that shouldn't be hard to implement?


Message 5 of 8 (532 Views)

Re: Sidious Basic attacks (deathstroke) not ignoring armor at all

EA Live QV Team

Thanks for the report @Maraxus2016, we have flagged this for further investigation.

Message 6 of 8 (441 Views)

Re: Sidious Basic attacks (deathstroke) not ignoring armor at all

★★★★★ Apprentice
Thank you!
Message 7 of 8 (420 Views)

Re: Sidious Basic attacks (deathstroke) not ignoring armor at all

★★★ Novice
I am noticing this issue in sith raid. Sidious hits the adds way harder than he hits sion when they both have debuffs. I suspect its not ignoring the +100% defense that sion has.
Message 8 of 8 (349 Views)