Re: Money Purchases Visual Bug

by EA_HighCommand

Original Post

Accepted Solution

Money Purchases Visual Bug

★★★ Newbie

Product: Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes
Platform:Apple iPhone
What type of device are you experiencing the issue with? IPhone 8+
OS Version 11.3.1
Ally Code: (Find it here: ) 247-325-755
What type of issue do you have? Network/Connection
How often does the bug occur? Rarely (0% - 9%)
Summarize your bug I suffered a visual bug that changed the pricing of real money purchases (mostly chromium I saw) that had a 'TAP FOR PRICES' button instead of the price. I tapped the button on the chromium screen, it went to showing what you could buy. It still had a tap to see price. I tapped it and I got charged $70 for the MEGA G12+ Pack. The visual glitch ended at least maybe sometime after as 40 min later after calling EA and Apple for a refund, it was fixed. This occurred around 4:15 PM EST. for me. I hate to ask, but if able by CG, I want everything I bought gone. I called apple for a refund and waiting for it at the time of this posting.
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves?
Connection Type Wifi
Please select your region North America
Country United States

Image of the visual bug


The menu 40 min later fixed

Message 1 of 2 (295 Views)

Accepted Solution

Re: Money Purchases Visual Bug

EA Live QV Team

Hi @Nikolaizombiez and thank you for the report.


The "Tap for Price" usually appears if you have a weak or unstable internet connection, resulting in the game being unable to pull the price from the respective store (in your case the AppStore).

Before your purchase for money is completed, you always get another confirmation window from the AppStore, where you can still cancel the purchase.

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Message 2 of 2 (321 Views)

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Re: Money Purchases Visual Bug

EA Live QV Team

Hi @Nikolaizombiez and thank you for the report.


The "Tap for Price" usually appears if you have a weak or unstable internet connection, resulting in the game being unable to pull the price from the respective store (in your case the AppStore).

Before your purchase for money is completed, you always get another confirmation window from the AppStore, where you can still cancel the purchase.

Message 2 of 2 (322 Views)