Loss of forward momentum (aka hitting an invisible wall)


Original Post

Loss of forward momentum (aka hitting an invisible wall)

★★★★★ Apprentice

Product: Anthem
Please specify your platform model. PC
AMD or Nvidia Model Number GTX 1080
Enter RAM memory size in GB 16
Please select your region Europe
Were you on an Expedition when the issue occurred? Yes
What type of Expedition were you on when the issue occurred? Stronghold
What was the name of the Mission / Contract / Stronghold you were on? Temple Of Scar - but it happens everywhere
What was your chosen difficulty level? Grandmaster 3
What Javelin were you using when the issue occurred? Interceptor
What was your Expedition team makeup? Random Freelancers
Where did this issue occur? Please include menu name or in game location. Happens everywhere, see description
When did this happen? (dd.mm.yy hh:mm) Always
Summarize your bug With the change to the javelin behaviour going into hover-mode after crashing into an obstacle some very annoying bug appeared: After you crash you are automatically put into hover modus. If you continue flying then and want to cancel out of your flight by pressing "Jump" you lose the forward momentum and it appears as if you are hitting an invisible wall. If you don't crash into an obstacle and just fly, then cancel with "Jump" it works correctly. You have some forward momentum and can land where you intended.
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Fly around any place and crash into something so the Javelin switches into hovering. Then, without landing, continue flying and cancel out of the flight by pressing "Jump" and you will be stopped by an invisible wall. For comparisons do the same thing just without crashing: just fly and cancel it with "Jump" and you will have your natural forward momentum
What happens when the bug occurs? You lose forward momentum and probably won't land where you intended to.
What should be happening instead? Same thing that happens if you don't crash into anything.

It's a really annoying bug that I couldn't put my finger on for quite some time. Something just felt wrong. After playing the narrow Temple of Scar a lot recently I finally noticed the problem more often and could replicate it by doing what I described above. It suspect it has to do with the change in behaviour after flying into an obstacle. This somehow causes every "Jump"-cancel of your flight to lose momentum as if you are hitting an invisible wall. 

Message 1 of 4 (488 Views)

Re: Loss of forward momentum (aka hitting an invisible wall)

★★★★ Guide
@XCPTNL It also happens when the thrusters are nearly overheating. I used to think that it was a bug as well.
But it may very well have been introduced to compensate for crashing into walls and falling down.
Message 2 of 4 (464 Views)

Re: Loss of forward momentum (aka hitting an invisible wall)

Yes think so too... @XCPTNL  before, crashing into a wall meant falling down...there was no hovering and it was a pain...then they introduced the hovering.... no more falling down but no momentum either...not a bug for me.

Just don't bump into things... Wink


- Carpe diem and enjoy your game -

    Just a normal gamer trying to help – not working for EA

Message 3 of 4 (445 Views)

Re: Loss of forward momentum (aka hitting an invisible wall)

★★★★ Pro
@Valhalla-strider I kinda miss the wall-slide of shame. 😂
Message 4 of 4 (432 Views)