Battle Arena will not start

by Jacob2of3

Original Post

Battle Arena will not start

[ Edited ]
★★ Guide

Product: Plants vs. Zombies: Battle for Neighborville
Platform:Microsoft XBOX One
Please specify your platform model. Microsoft Xbox One
Please provide your Xbox gamertag or PSN ID. (Optional)
In what game mode did the bug occur? Battle Arena (PVP)
Summarize your bug Battle Arena never starts.
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? try to play battle arena.
Which character were you playing when the bug occurred? Peashooter
What upgrades had you equipped with this character? doesnt matter
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)

After the prize map change battle arena games never start and are stuck on "waiting for players" but the numbers are always negative for some reason. Only way to leave is to close the game.




Message 1 of 2 (314 Views)

Re: Battle Arena will not start

Community Manager (retired)

@Jacob2of3 Hello, thanks for the report.  The team is aware of this and discussing what we can do in the short term.  For now, the best thing to do is leave the lobby at the end of each game.  One change has been made so your first game should not run into a blocking issue.  Subsequent games may run into the issue.

Message 2 of 2 (280 Views)