Re: Why did I have to pay full price for for BFV and a week later it's on specia

by QmanRSA

Original Post

Why did I have to pay full price for for BFV and a week later it's on special?

★★★ Novice

So BF "Veterans" get 50% off the NEWLY released BFV a couple of weeks after launch and supposed new customers has to pay the full price?


Also, there have been numerous sales running on the game for up to 30% off. Why did the people that bought the game closer to release date have to pay full price if they could get it greatly discounted a week or 2 later? 


Why are people that doesn't own BF4 or BF1, but owns BF2 and BF3 not considered as BF Veterans? Why aren't they included in the Veterans 50% off?


This is just a blatant disregard of EA's clients and the people who bought the game for the full price should be compensated the difference of the full price and the current specials.


Are people who actually bought and supported the game for full price just a week or two ago going to be disregarded in favor of bringing in new clients(money) with these specials ? 


Message 1 of 6 (914 Views)

Re: Why did I have to pay full price for for BFV and a week later it's on specia

★★★ Novice

Another thing I didn't mention was that BF1 was on a massive sale a couple weeks before the BFV release. If we had know that the "BF Veterans" special would happen we could've bought BF1 on the cheap and then get 50% off BFV.


Can someone remind me how much the BF1 special was? Then let's do some quick math and you will see that you could've owned both BF1 and BFV for less than what people paid before any specials started (or before they realized that sales were a disaster, which every way you want to see it) on BFV. 

Message 2 of 6 (901 Views)

Re: Why did I have to pay full price for for BFV and a week later it's on specia

★★★ Apprentice
To get to play the game 5 days early for the standard and 2 weeks early for the Deluxe.
Message 3 of 6 (863 Views)

Re: Why did I have to pay full price for for BFV and a week later it's on specia

★★★ Novice

You clearly didn't read the post. Try again.

Message 4 of 6 (855 Views)

Re: Why did I have to pay full price for for BFV and a week later it's on specia

★★★ Apprentice
If you pre-ordered the game you got it afew days early, Got the Delux you got 11 days early. Plus abunch of pre-ordered goodies/Delux goodies.

If you wanted it discounted you should've waited until blackfriday sales/christmas sales. They always do this,every year,since,forever.

If you're upset that Vets like us got a promo discount but you didnt notice was because you wern't paying attention Thats on you not them. The fact they did it AT ALL was far beyond what any Developer Both Indie and AAA would do so soon after launch.

also before you start throwing a fit at me about "Pre-order sales" They've been said to be far below expectations MONTHS ago. (Like since JUNE.)

It is not the developers fault that you missed a sale that you really would of wanted. Subscribe to their newsletter and you would've gotten an email.
Message 5 of 6 (841 Views)

Re: Why did I have to pay full price for for BFV and a week later it's on specia

★★★ Novice

First of all, I didn't pre-order and I never will. I'm referring to discounts(and if you read my post I would not have to repeat this) that were available shortly 1-2 weeks after the official release.


I'm going to urge you to use logic and reason here from the get go.


"If you wanted it discounted you should've waited until blackfriday sales/christmas sales. They always do this,every year,since,forever." 


Ok, so people completely new to the franchise should just know this? 


Do you think it's fair, to anyone, veterans or not, that a game goes on an unexpected(if it was a planned sale, please post us all a link/proof of it) 33% sale a week or two after release and a couple days after someone purchased it for the full price ?


Then 'If you're upset that Vets like us got a promo discount but you didnt notice was because you wern't paying attention Thats on you not them.'  So me owning and playing BF2 and BF3 for multiple years discredits me from being a 'BF Veteran' just because I didn't fancy BF4 or BF1?


The only reason I mentioned the veterans sale was because, once again, if you had read my post, you could've bought BF1 for a very low price a week or 2 before BFV launch and now get 50% discount which would give you 2 BF titles for cheaper than what people paid for BFV a couple of days after it launched. Owning BF1 for a couple days hardly makes you a BF Vet but yet you qualify for a "BF Veterans" discount? 









Message 6 of 6 (824 Views)