Re: Team balance, easy fix


Original Post

Re: Team balance, easy fix

★★★ Guide

Anti-cheat is a whole different issue. I can comment only on EU servers, I would say I see a cheating player about on 5% of the servers. I simply leave when I see that. They say in Asian servers it is much worse. And actually in EU servers I think it was somewhat better. No idea why people cheat, defeats the whole purpose of the game (competition).


Speaking of team balance, I had my first match where the whole enemy teamwould rage quit us. LOL Never saw this happen before!


Message 11 of 66 (1,466 Views)

Re: Team balance, easy fix

★★★ Guide

Here is another example:


Round is starting out with me being the only lvl100+ player on my team vs 4 lvl100+ players + 2 lvl200 players....

The round hasn't even started but you already know the outcome... it's gonna be BAD!



This is the middle of the match look at the K/D ratio is both teams:



And here is the ending:



I sure gave 'em hell but man did we EVER had a chance when there is such a big difference between the overall team rank.


Message 12 of 66 (1,430 Views)

Re: Bad balancing

★★★★ Pro
@Michaelp800 I wouldn't say this is 100% the games fault. As the game tries to auto-balance, people will leave during the loading screen, at the beginning or right at the end of the last match and this will throw the numbers off. There's also people who decide to switch sides at the beginning which will skew the numbers too
Message 13 of 66 (870 Views)

Re: Bad balancing

★★★ Guide

The matching system is one of the biggest issues since release. Not only it forgets to add people to one side and you end up games like 8 vs 14 but rank selection is completely random which leads to very unbalanced matches.




Message 14 of 66 (856 Views)

Re: Team balance, easy fix

★★★ Guide

FFS please fix this already......... today I got into 5 matches in a row with no chance of doing anything meaningful it was so awfully unblanaced.

F_I_X   I_T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Message 15 of 66 (1,350 Views)

Re: Team balance, easy fix

[ Edited ]

Freeman mentioned on Twitter (probably a few weeks ago now, so it might be a little buried), that the team stealth snuck a few servers into the mix with a current form of team balance -- mixed results and they'll need to make further tweaks, but from what I hear things sounded promising. I'm not entirely sure if regular players could find/play them but it's nice to know it's still being worked on.


This new balancer will moat likely be what is used in the next title (same with Community Games) so * fingers crossed*

CCP Hero Banner - Red.png

Don't be sad, this is just how it works out sometimes
Message 16 of 66 (1,335 Views)

Re: Team balance, easy fix

★★★ Guide

@TTZ_Dipsy  Good news, let's hope it's true.


Meanwhile another match where apparently rank "didn't matter"



We barely lost any tickets... wtff

Message 17 of 66 (887 Views)

Re: Team balance, easy fix

★★★ Guide

Here is an explanation why high-ranked players matter more than you would think:


Let's suppose we have a team with 3 players at level 150 and everyone else is below. These 3 people can easily kill anyone below level 100 so they keep piling up big kill streaks.

Now let's assume the enemy team is lucky enough to have a level 300 player to join them. He will not only have big kill streaks but due to his finess and experience will counter the level 150 players on a regular basis and defend their own players from dieing. It's like having and Ace in your deck of cards.

This is why the strongest players determine the OUTCOME of the match most of the time.


Is this always true? Of course not. But very often I find my worst opponents to be the best players in the enemy team and if it wasn't for them, some of my killstreaks would count a lot more victims.


So an advanced matching system would have to balance the top 20% of players with bigger weights. (On a 32 vs 32 map you would have to accurately match the top 6 / 6 players as they ultimately who set the balance in the game)

Message 18 of 66 (872 Views)

Re: Team balance, easy fix

★★★★ Pro
@GUTENTAAAAG lets say for instance you're the on the dominating team and 3 or 4 games in a row with say 5 of your mates you're destroying and winning every game. Then 1 or 2 people join, land on the enemy team and simply thrash everyone including your squad over and over again.

Now say you and your team were all going negative, would you consider it fair to have those 2 players automatically switched over when you're team had the majority of high end players?

This is where automatic team balance will have problems, the 5 of you might have an average K/D of say 5 and the 2 players on the enemy team might have a joint average K/D of 3.5 the computer should statistically see you as having the higher numbers and better average but that might not be what's happening in game.

So how would you compensate for that?
Message 19 of 66 (847 Views)

Re: Team balance, easy fix

[ Edited ]
★★★ Guide

@Real_Noobalishus  if you had a proper balancing system in the first place you could not have a squad of 5 high ranked players matched against complete noobs.


Well, I never proposed comparing K/D of players or squads just only rank. If your are high ranked, you have played the game more and have more idea how to contribute to your team even if your K/D is not super high. Also you could be a low ranked tank wh0re with high K/D and have no clue about infantry play. As I said matching by rank is not super accurate but the goal is not to make every game a draw but to have better teambalance than we have now. This would be the first step, the rest will be fine tuning.


Here is a good example what I was talking about in the previous post:


As you can see the highest ranking players piling up most kills and one team having more of the high ranked players results in a COMPLETE imbalance of the teams.

This is far too common not to notice. Unless you are testing in a closed studio with the same people / relatively similar skill level.


Btw this was the first server I joined today and just by looking at the scoreboard you could tell: it's not worth playing this match because the outcome is already sealed.

Message 20 of 66 (836 Views)