Flickering textures

by At0teZ

Original Post

Flickering textures

★ Apprentice

Hey guys,


I want to start by saying that I did check for similar threads, and there are some, but it seems that they don't apply to this problem.


Recently I've been getting some weird flickering textures. All snow outside on the northern side of the map in Operation Locker flickers. This only started to happen a few days ago.


I've got the newest drivers. I have tried messing with the settings inside the game, enabling and disabling vertical sync and setting the game to the lowest possible settings(I usually run it at highest settings). Nothing helped.


What can I do to fix this?

Message 1 of 2 (237 Views)

Re: Flickering textures

★★ Novice



I had this issue since installing the latest patch, I did how ever fix the problem by installing a very small program called Nvidia Inspector. 


1. Install the program http://www.guru3d.com/files_details/nvidia_inspector_download.html (its a legit program and been around for some time)

2. Start it up after install.

3. You will get a small window pop up with lots of information about your Card, you want to click the small box on the right middle (has a screwdriver and spanner icon)

4. It will now open up a new larger window, there will be a drop down menu at the top click this and find Battlefield 4 (this is the games own graphic card profile any settings you change here will only be changed for the selected program/game)

5. Scroll down to SLI section and change the setting "SLI rendering mode" you do this simply by selecting it. The option should then have a drop down box to the left, click that and you get a new list of options you want to select "SLI RENDERING MODE FORCE AFR2. Save/exit application and you are done.


This basically swap your graphics  card rendering mode around and has 0 impact on performance. Worked for me maybe it will work for you.

Message 2 of 2 (214 Views)