The ultimate Star Wars MMO

by launcher111

Original Post

The ultimate Star Wars MMO

★★★★★ Novice

It would be a combination of 10-20 games in one. Taking whats best and leaving behind the short comings.


It would have an empire at war map on steroids. It would have Jedha, Lasat, Mandalor, And on and on and on. In a technical aspect Obvioisly cant have 50k people on one server. Thats why each sector has its own server. Entering hyper drive to a different sector, puts you in a different server.


The in game Heros would be space based most of the time. The heros would have fleets in one sector. How it works is new and low level players fly there corvette class ship doing runs and missions for heros. They serve as trading posts also. The Hero has a command ship that becomes a greater and greater super ship. Players will go planet to planet shipping materials to the fleets.


Players wont have levels, they have a fleet an army and either a base,      space station or trading fleet.


When things blow up or die... It blows up or dies.


Higher level players can pull off attacks and raids in enemy sectors.


The heros when the players believe its time to strike or change sectors. It requires a vote to move a fleet. When this happens most new players will transfer to another hero fleet and help build it.


Mid level players would take more risks. An example going to unsecured sectors to raid, kill and trade. Each planet has its own special cargo, which provides bonuses and upgrades possible for troops, equipment and fleets.


It would take place around episode 3 and 4. Having Cis, Republic, Empire and Rebels all playable... The Cis didnt follow the shut down orders. The Republic troops would have a few planets a few jedis. The Empire would have a large amount of planets, and Rebels hiding in the outer rim.


Cis start with a banking clan support ship, 20 engineering droids and a Captain to man the ship. With 20 marines Droids and a Command Droid as the Marines leader.


The Republic get the same in republic form.


The Empire receives the same in Empire form.


The Rebels receive a hammer head corvette and rebel troops.


The economy


Planetary cargo crates. Each planet produces a unique crate. Which when delivered to a hero you receive Credits. Option B you keep the parts for upgrades on your equipment. It is Costly to use planetary crates.


Hyper Fuel


Hyper drive parts


Shield Generator parts


Sensor parts


Life support parts


Weapon parts


Engine parts






Missile parts


Cloak generator parts


Kyber Crystals


Hand weapon parts


Body armor parts


Jet pack parts


Engineer parts


Droid Parts


Ship and ground attack craft construction system


Its cheaper to build than buy pre built.


It will require many of them resources mentioned above in the economy.


You will require more troops, and likely the sale of your old ship. Fortunately higher end players will gladly take them off your hands... They will need drop ships and ships to gaurd there fleet.


You pull into a space station or land on planet with the needed materials and build it.


Upgrading Ships


You have generic and custom upgrades. 


Generic upgrades would be splicing your ship and making it 1 deck taller, 100 feet longer, Wider, more weapon ports, armor and so on. 


These upgrades are important an example of adding another deck to a corvette class ship is costly. The corvettes should cost around 500,000 credits to buy, and 2 decks tall, an additional deck considering you need more engines, a bigger reactor and hyper drive a mountain of alloy and armor, more life support. The cost would be 300-400k credits. They would than want more weapons. It would take a ship with a maximum of 50 possible crew and 2 droids. To 70-80 with 3 droids possible. The ship most likely would have 2 combat squads the primary squad to run the ship, and a partial squad as marines or engineers to run the ship. A option is that the partial group is given control of anti aircraft turrets.


A Custom upgrade uses planetary upgrade crates. An example is Naboo shields, and boomers as hand gernades for fighting droids. Mustafar with fire resistant armor, and fire resistant droid armor. Each planet provides one or more upgrades.


Lets say you have a star destroyer, it costs 10 billion credits roughly. And you decide you want some Corrilian Engine upgrades, which will give you a 5% boost per upgrade. It should cost around 500 million credits. Your in the neighborhood and want another upgrade so gain 5% this time out a billion credits. You fly to Edau and buy a super laser cannon requiring kyber crystals. It costs you 5 billion credits. It does 20k damage per shot. Which can blow up a low end destroyer in one shot. That star destroyer now is worth 16.5 billion credits. Will require lots of kyber crystals regularly or will be of no use.




They have a leader and 20 underlings maximum.


They cant be seperated they fight as a group.


A squad can have different types of troops. Like medics, engineers and all types of warriors. But in battle particularly ground combat they bunch together.


They require kills to upgrade skills


They require kills for equipment upgrades.


On ship they can be anywhere on it. Starting ships can be run by 1 engineer squadron with ease.


Engineers and bridge officers gain skill by space battles. Also gain skill by repairs and doing upgrades.


You will have your own heros in time.. Providing they live.


Equipment for ground attacks need to be carried in ships when done. This eats a major hole in its abilities. Equipment can be heavily upgraded like ships can. 


Droids and how they are used and built (non Cis)


Droids are constructed with cpus and droid parts with alloys.


Droids are put on a ship or fighter and stay with it. Contributing to the ships stats. Droids can be upgraded, a ship will be allowed only so many droids.


Once a droid is made it can be upgraded.


Astromech Droids start at 5 cpus, 5 droid parts and 5 alloys. It can repair 1 hp on an item per second ( not much at all) every 24 hours of repair can gain 1 more hp repair on a system per second. It can only go as fast at a ratio of 1 to 1 on cpus. In order to have it go faster you need to upgrade its cpus.


L3 navagation droids require 5 cpu, 5 droid parts and 5 alloys. It decreases jump times by 1 second. Hyper drive jumps take 1 minute normally. It takes 20 jumps to reach 2 seconds knocked off. Its a ratio of 1 second per cpu. Until at 40. Than the pace slows down to half, than a quarter with special planetary crates to get more upgrades.


Protocol Droids help with missions and trading. Things like better prices. Which more upgrades the better it does.


Inventory droids, they maximise storage space.


Medic Droid heal damaged troops more upgrades, faster they go.


K2 style prison droid, allows for the capture of enemy leaders to ransom them or return them to a friendly planet for execution.


Each sector would have mining stations, military bases, factories and trading outpost. Several of these can exist on one planet, and will.   


Your fleet would travel around sectors primarily. 


You receive a bounty payment for any enemy kill in a sector owned by your faction. Your credits are in a cloud system... In the event all is lost. Have a bank account to restart.


You will go to asteroid mines, retrieve alloys and kyber crystals take them to planets, and sell refined materials back to the asteroid mine. The mine will grow eventually bigger and bigger. It will eventually have defense satellites even a defense fleet to gaurd it. And eventually it will become a network of mines and a trading outpost. That would all be attached together. In time a hero fleet would stop and dock and pick up massive amounts of materials, than take off, to other mines and in sector planets.




In space combat hero fleets will lose ships, they deploy escape pods, those escape pods have troops, which if your missing some can add as your own.


When ships blow up debris exist. Some times habitable sections remain. You can take this on board bust the parts down and sell or upgrade with them.




Cis main hero Viceroy Newt Gunray.  2Nd hero is General Greviois. Than lesser leaders. They control Mustafar as a capitol. 2Nd planet is Geonosis.


The Republic main Hero is Yoda, number 2 is Obione. They have Kamino as there Capitol. There number 2 planet is Naboo.


The Empires leader is the Emperor and Darth Vader at number 2, there Capitol is Corusaunt and 2nd planet is Kuat for its ship yards.


The Rebels leader is Admirial Ackbar and 2nd in command is Senator Organa. Home planet is Yavin 4 and 2nd Moncalamari.


Ground equipment


If it exsist it should be built. Having land speeders, speeder bikes.


Upgrades would be like ships, using the same parts.



Why this is needed...  Balance and fairness isnt realistic, but what can be done is create a fair play system. Where the weak can grow while creating benefit to big players. So they arent excluded and exterminated. While it still being enjoyable for low levels to play the game.


Low levels work support roles, acquiring resources, even building support ships to sell, tasks that big players find trivial.   Limited combat roles until they grow.   


Large fleet players will develop a reputation, if they treat small players bad... It will hurt there ability to grow there fleet. Its a big galaxy with lots of planets the ability to gain planetary special crates requires many people sneaking around. Many will be hard to impossible to retrieve. An example is raiding Kamino. Home Capitols are extremely well defended.


This gives the game no end or limit.  A constantly changing map. And means conquest of a planet requires a victory in space followed up by a long term ground battle requiring the destruction of a dozen plus bases. And possibly 100 plus battles to take the bases.

Message 1 of 6 (1,651 Views)

Re: The ultimate Star Wars MMO

Community Manager (retired)

That's an impressive idea for a game @launcher111 Standard smile


Thanks for sharing it with us and perhaps check Star Wars The Old Republic, if you haven't got a chance to do it yet?  That's a pretty good Star Wars MMO too if you ask me Wink



Message 2 of 6 (1,592 Views)

Re: The ultimate Star Wars MMO

★★★★★ Novice



One fun aspect would be if your solidiers have a Hoth, and Rhen var advantage. You have snow advantages for your troops. Things like cold endurance, on ice worlds perhaps after 10 minutes you lose health (freezing to death)


The reason for 4 primary sides is more flexability in game play. The republic and rebels seem to similar in some ways. The idea being the republic had militias, of non clones that remain loyal to the republic.  The primary difference between rebels and republic, is that Jedis rule the republic, where as Rebels the  jedis play a smaller role to politicans. In the republic the politicans sold out to the Empire, the militias remained loyal to the Jedis.


The Empire should receive a star wars rebels show, Empire transport to start. 


The Republic would have ships based off the accumulator cruiser Design, the Empire would have Star Destroyer design.

Message 3 of 6 (1,583 Views)

Re: The ultimate Star Wars MMO

[ Edited ]
★★★★★ Novice

Some Heros will rule planets (the Emperor, most Senators and Generals) On these planets they create ground attack craft and armies, which fleets will transfer to a world thats blockaded by there forces. Land craft and attack the planet.


Will have special weapon system heros, director Krenic making the Death Star, have a for each side a super battle ship Hero. Admiral Ackbar, Radisk, Tarkin, Piet, command Droids,  and a few Jedis.


Some will be balanced, where they can do anything like Vader, Obione, and the majority of Heros. They would also be easier to sell to.


A Capital will have a Ground Hero command the planet, and a space based hero to gaurd the sector.   A home Capital will most likely build all standard parts and resources.   


When things go Badly for a player.. Often they hit reset... Which isnt good for the game honestly. What would happen is when you hit rock bottom, no ship, no money and everything was just killed off. What happens is you get a few local troops, no skill, 5-6 troops. And than you get to go to a land battle and try and sneak around salvaging. You sell these items to a forward command base. Where you can trade for sub corvette ships, like old trade ships. You get locals from the planet you choose to start on... If Naboo as an example... Will get a combination of humans and gungans. Which sounds horrible, however on water planets when some of your troops can breath under water... 


The Empire and Rebels will always be enemies, Cis and Republic will always be enemies. However against non primary enemies cease fires can be made on a short term basis.


Heros are not playable or controlled by players. Each side should have 6-10 heros per side.


Planets can be upgraded heavily. It requires all parts present for an upgrade or construction. Planets can manufacture but lack many alloys. It requires alloys for upgrades and to make parts for ships.


Non combat trade ships, these ships can be used by any side. If its in the galaxy can own it.


Captured combat ships... You can do this, paint on your factions logo, and is all good. Can custom paint ships to a degree.



How the economy works is there is a consumption of resources to fulfil production. Each hour a production tick occurs, resources are held for 24 ticks max, the rest of the resources go to the open market.


Lets say your on Hoth, it has 4 ship weapon parts factories, and 2 engine part factories. Lets say the average factory is level 10. A cpu factory And one level 1 hyper drive parts plant.


The 4 weapon plants require 400 alloy, 40 cpu and creates 40 weapon parts.

The 2 engine plants require 100 alloys, 40 cpu and creates 20 engine parts.

The Cpu factory takes 100 alloys and makes 10 cpus

The hyper drive plant requires 50 alloy, 10 cpu, 10 engine parts, and 1 hyper fuel. For 1 hyper drive part.


It consumes 600 alloy, 80 cpu, and 1 hyper fuel... And creates 40 weapons parts, 10 engine parts, and 1 hyper drive part.


A corvette would require 1,000 alloy, 10 weapons parts, 10 engine parts, 5 sensors parts, 100cpu, 5 reactor parts, 5 hyper drive parts, 10 shield parts, 50 life support parts, and 10 hyper fuel. This is a long demanding list. The larger the ship, the larger the resource requirement. It should cost around 500,000 credits. Which is a decent amount of work, but not to big a burden.


Starter Corvettes like the hammer head, imperial transport ship, banking clan support ship, accumulator class transport, your looking at 100 cargo, 5k hp, 1k shields, 2 light anti aircraft turrets, with 1 barrel with a slow rate of fire and slow reload. So lets say you wanted 10 weapon turrets. You would need around 80 alloy, 16 cpu and 40 weapon parts. It wouldnt be that effective. So make double barrled than requires 50 weapon parts, 200 alloy and 50 cpu. You decide you want increased accuracy, so add 100 cpu 10 weapon parts and 100 alloys. This is an example of going weapons crazy. The problem with this... No extra armor or shields... Not any faster... No sensor increase. A few direct hits from a big gun... Its all for nothing...your ship went from 20 damage every 3 seconds possible, to 400 damage every 2.9 seconds. Where as if instead of double barrles. Went with shields, might have added 2000 shield points. Or may have added another deck which would add 2500 hp to armor.


The idea being you can make your ships into what you want. But a ship only becomes insanely expensive when you get planetary bonuses. And the more distant the planet, the more expensive it becomes. Because large players require small ships, when a new player as an example takes risks... Big ones. Trades and lets say gets 5 to 6 upgrades on there corvette. Advanced shields, advanced engines, 2 small ion cannon turrets, a super efficent hyper drive. Maybe they increased it to 3 decks, did a width and length upgrade, it can hold 200 troops. Has 16 turrets. It sounds crazy, but they can get a cruiser for that ship. That or a dozen corvettes in replacement. Because a large player can buy standard parts easily, in large numbers, never leaving home base.


The main premise of the game is that it has no end and no level cap, artificially set to limit player growth. It allows the daily grind of the game, combined with upgrades to balance things out. If a player as an example has a super star Destroyer, 15 victory star destroyers, 30 transports and are going on rampages. What naturally happens is people think i can loot some nice parts off wreckage. You get one of your factions heros to ambush them. Bring along a hundred or so corvettes among dozens of players, a few destroyers and cruisers... And problem neutralized. 


The other major aspect is low level players creating a symbiotic relationship with large players. As odd as it sounds... Low level players, establishing mines, bases and factories to work... Provides high level pilots things to kill... And trade with... As an example a level 1 asteroid mine... A large player pulls up once a day, takes 2,400 alloys, uses it on there ships and flys off. A new pilot couldnt carry or dream of using that much alloy on something... Yet.. They take it, sell it to a planet, return trip sell parts to the mine, the mine upgrades, so instead of 100 alloy an hour, can do 200-300. So now when the large player pulls in, more materials exist, than what they can use.. The planet upgrades, and production is fed, making even more planetary crates as well.


When a ship is blown up, parts remain, some will be planetary crates, if the ship had it in the cargo bay, or used in ship construction, than it is potentially in the wreckage. 


You can place a bounty on other players or ships, keeping it accurate to star wars... Allowing for bounty hunters to be a profession.


In battles incentives will be offered, killing an enemy soldier, craft, fighter or ship, in a faction controlled sector, or sector with a hero of your faction in it, nets you a bounty. Paid in credits.  So killing a entry level corvette might get you 50k credits, or 10% its value. You kill a 16.5 billion credit star destroyer and now you get 1.65 billion credits.  It sounds like, well why fight on the ground then... Planetary banks and trade outposts... Looting one will give you a share in the outposts resources and credits. This can make you very rich if you pull off a good strike. Robbing the Mos Eisley trade outpost on the other hand... You may lose money on the attack even if you win. 


Planets have lists of options on them. Is obviously trade, but also have a projects and patrols menu. You can go to projects and one will be asteroid mining expedition. Where any player can contribute resources for pay, which in turn when done allows a mining ship to land on an asteroid, form a base and grow. Other options are upgrade a particular building, make a shield generator, make defense fleets, make more speciality crates.


The patrol menu on a planet, it will send your fleet to rally points, typically a sectors edge, and a small pirate base or pirate fleet will be waiting. The better your economy, the more pirate bases will appear. There will be pirate crates to pillage. Obvioisly new corvettes would lose just about any battle with pirates... So is a level to it.





How citys work....


You get a 3 by 3 grid to start, in the center is the base, Capital, trade outpost command building. It can be upgraded to a max size of 7 by 7.   Each tile can have a building type. 


The main Building, it links the city to the planets trade markets. It has a garrison, and defenses. It can be upgraded extensively, from more barracks, defensive turrets, land extension option, orbital garrison option. 


Shield Generator option, covers the city with a shield, preventing orbital bombardment, the bigger the city, the more it needs to be upgraded.


Factories of all types.. Pretty straight forward...


Power generator, powers the city.


Ship yard..


Residential tile, the more its upgraded, the more people can live there. This would fit into the planet you are on. So if a rebel on endor... An enormous tree with ewok huts in it.


Supply depot, allows for more trading post capacity.





Building tiles



Each building tile can and should have a garrison and defenses.   Things like bunkers and walls. In highly upgraded civilian centers its solid buildings, meaning lots of blast doors, turrets and troops. And defensive units of all types.


in a ground invasion. A tile is attacked one at a time. Players can deploy troops to defend, or allow the local garrison to fight.  When fighting as an attacker you can loot the buildings.


Each tile can buy things off players, like combat squadrons, ground attack craft, for its defense. They would desire higher end troops.


How a player upgrades a tile, is you need the resources for the upgrade, click on any tile. A lot of options appear some economic, others military, if the base has the money, the upgrade goes through.

Message 4 of 6 (1,531 Views)

Re: The ultimate Star Wars MMO

★★★★★ Novice

Residential buildings at level 1, produce 10 soldier's per hour, based off your faction, an example if the Empire owns Kashyyyk, they will not be able to recruit wookie warriors. Cis is most extreme, they only allow for 1 humanoid per squad max. A residential building for droids is a droid factory.



Hero leader board


All Heros are ranked 1 to 40, in 5 categories


1 is Fleet value


2 value of fleet kills per day


3 Trade balance, higher on hand credits the better rank.


4 Ground forces value


5 Ground force kill value



Number one receives a million credits, and decreases by 25k credits per rank. If a tie exist the lower value is applied. Meaning if 20 heros have 0 daily ground kills. All 20 would receive 25k credits. On the other hand if 5 heros have 1 million credits and are ranked 10-14 they receive level 14 pay.. A hero winning all 5 categories would recieve 5 million credits.


Hero's start with a corvette and a million credits. When you kill a hero you will receive the credits meant for them, that day. So yes heros can be killed.and reappear the next day. However if a hero had money on hand they have a million credits added to them and a corvette. Unlike the hero, you start with a corvette and 10k credits


In the event the heros main ship blows up and they die, the escort ships will fall back and wait for there Hero to return, the fleet can trade without the hero.




Ship class


Transports and corvettes are base level


Frigate class ( nebulon B frigate)


Destroyer class


Cruiser class (Accumlator cruiser)


Battle cruiser class (MonCalamari cruiser)


Carrier class


Battle Carrier ( Home one)


Battleship class (star Destroyer)


Dreadnaught class (super star destroyer)


Super ship


Death star (which think more Jedha and Scariff... Not Alderan. The Cis also will make death stars) heros only ship, by a select few heros ( Krenic and Gunray)




Trade markets have variable pricing, so lets say a planet consumes 5k alloy an hour, and currently it has 3... This planet would pay the max price until its stockpile is at 5001 inventory, the sell price would drop, players could buy alloys on that planet when 24 hours of production is stocked, than could be bought by players at the max price, so the planet makes 20-30% credits profit. 


A corvette has 100 cargo, it would take 50 trips an hour for a small ship to supply a planet. The asteroid mine would sell alloys for around 50% the sell price, the asteroid mine buys parts at 100% the max. This is to encourage trade, Hero fleets are more for convenience in battle zones. They always sell at 100% the sell value and buy at around 60-80% depending on needs.


Planetary crates sell for double and 2 additional rate factors. 100% increase if the crate is from an enemy planet. And factor 2 is if 5 or more sectors away the price goes up 100%. So if you have 100 crates from Kamino and selling them on Kashyyyk them crates are worth 600% normal. If bought at 1k each (100k) now they are worth 600k credits. That one trip can buy you a hammer head corvette or just really upgrade your current ship. Planets will tend to have 0 crates. A planet can reward you with these crates for completing tasks (pirate hunts and upgrading that planets buildings) whats tricky is you will be shot on sight by automated defenses... However killing pirates in an enemy sector. The enemy will compensate you in a cargo dump in the outter area of the sector.


All materials come in a crate, from alloys to hyper fuel, its all the same size container... Some assembly required. Many will wonder why not have a million components... And honestly its a waste of time. It requires balancing and inevitably 80% is useless junk not in use. Rather than premade components, give everyone the same tools, and allow them to make what they want with it.


This ensures conflict and that Edau is fought over without end, every single day. Every large ship wants a mini death star cannon. It would have no pirates left, and likely several armies from several factions fighting over it.



Kyber crystal weapons they are extremely powerful. But the reload is huge. Take a kyber crystal light anti aircraft turret. It can easily kill a fighter. But will take 30 seconds to reload. 


Ion cannons are great at disabling things, but have a 15 second reload time,


A standard laser cannon  has a 3 second reload time, but are the weakest. But also the only weapon you can buy standard, without planet crates.

Message 5 of 6 (1,498 Views)

Re: The ultimate Star Wars MMO

★★★★★ Novice

This game provides Ea a pathway to monotise the game in a way that isnt brutal. You could only buy credits in game, something around 1 million credits for ten dollars about.


Unlike advantage buying. Excess credits in the system will work its way to planets and asteroids, which will grow and benefit from the system. A planet flooded with credits, can easily be upgraded.


When you consider a super star destroyer costs 50 billion credits.. Players on day one, even with money couldnt buy one. It requires resources. So you cant buy a win button... You.can buy ships off other players... So if your selling to people at 25% above the build cost. Other players also benefit.


An additional planet mission of importance would be a mining convoy gaurd. It would require 3-4 corvette class ships on a low level mining fleet. Including a mine ship and freighter(s) the more sucessful missions of a mining fleet, bigger it grows, and bigger pay outs. The reward is 10% the take for the sucessful completion per ship contributed. The fleet will encounter 2-5 pirate fighters. As the mining fleet grows the pirates attacking will increase. 


Each city on a planet has a mining fleet buildable (if it is destroyed can rebuild it) when the galaxy starts, each city has a mining fleet. So primary planets will have a dozen or more.


When a mining fleet is damaged, it needs to offload resources and repair, than can return to mining.


A mining fleet comes with a cargo ship with 1000 units of cargo space. When full it returns home. Most likely will receive 10-20 kyber crystals, 80-90 hyperfuel and 900 alloy. So your take would be 1 kyber crystal, 9 hyper fuel and 90 alloy, which will fill your ships hold completely.


The 60-70% of resources left over are sold off, the fleet refuels, and repairs keeping 10% of the credits for itself. Which go towards upgrades and new ships. These mining expeditions are about 10 minutes long. The corvette guns are more than adequate to destroy pirate fighters. If the pirates are left alone... They will * or destroy the mining fleet. When you enter the mining expedition your ship is on auto pilot. In the event a mining ship isnt upgraded and has as example 10 freighters. It may be an hour or more expedition. However would likely need a frigate or 2 and half a dozen corvettes as escort. And would encounter 1 to 5 enemy corvettes, and 10-60 fighters. A frigate would get 6% of the take and a escort 3%. So 600 for a frigate and 300 cargo for a corvette.


The salvage of a kill belongs to the person who shot it down. It goes directly into there ships hold.


Most corvettes cant hold 300 cargo so what happens is lets say you have 110 total cargo, 30 being used, it will auto sell 220 alloy, since its the cheapest.


The remainder of your fleet would stay in orbit. As an example if you had 2 corvettes, a freighter and a destroyer. Lets say no destroyer slot was available, and no reason to endanger the freighter. So the 2 corvettes join the mining expedition and other 2 are in orbit. Upon return excess cargo is transfered to the other ships. Using the above mining fleet. It would yield 600 resources, likely pirate salavge, possibly pirate bonus crates. 6-12 kyber crystals, 54-48 hyper fuel and 540 alloy. 


The game would get flooded with resources... The more mining... The bigger the outcome. And when players dont have many credits at there disposal.. The planet would.... Increasing all aspects of it.


You could have structures at level 100 and beyond to infinity. 


Why battlefront cant work long term has to do with the game core concept. A point happens when a player has killed the same people enough to the point of boredom. Trying to release new content only prolongs the inevitable. You need an economy, and building and keeping what you build, and modifying and perfecting it. You also need exotic modifiers.

Message 6 of 6 (1,452 Views)