Nobody. Can. Die. Part 2.

by -WaR-Bazers

Original Post

Re: Just found one of the users that installed the 1hp hack.

[ Edited ]
★ Apprentice

Not good.  The state of both the Battlefield and Battlefront franchises are at an all time low right now.  I went over to the Battlefield forums to try and get @EA_Atic to reply to the Heroes Unleashed debacle.  Number one, he didn't reply.  But number two, it's a s&*t show over there.  EA messed up Battlefield/Dice....bad...really, really bad.  Even Steam's corporate arm is pissed.


I wonder if Dice, as a studio, survives this.  EA might just have to reconstitute Dice.  I feel for the rank and file employees at Dice.  They've left in droves (even the GM), they've expressed their displeasures all over the interwebs, etc.  I know they care, but EA is a corporate machine that only makes important decisions from the board room.  A major worldwide publisher is supposed to be better than this.

Message 10 of 232 (2,921 Views)

Re: Just found one of the users that installed the 1hp hack.

[ Edited ]

@DarthFDGI have actually experienced this hack on EA xbox server. Have had players bouncing around switching on their personal shields (no cooldown time on their jump packs/shields). What this does is drag everyone's attention from the game objectives trying to kill these players.
The best idea is to ignore them. If you get killed by one then so be it and try to avoid them next time.


Note: This probably has nothing to do with the 1hp hack.




"I am not an EA employee. Just a fellow gamer trying to lend a helping hand. I don't know everything but will attempt to find a solution to your problem. If I have helped, please click on the XP button below. If I have solved your problem, Then click on the Accept as Solution Button. Have Fun."
Message 11 of 232 (2,869 Views)

Re: Just found one of the users that installed the 1hp hack.

[ Edited ]
★★★ Guide

@SluggersDelightfor as long as Andrew Wilson continues to be the CEO of EA this crapshow will continue. Either EA reconstitute the board and with new CEO and chairmen of the board, or expect the same crappy deal each year.

Message 12 of 232 (2,847 Views)

1hp bug in BATTLEFRONT 2

★★★ Newbie

Product: Anthem
Please specify your platform model. PC
AMD or Nvidia Model Number RTX 2060
Enter RAM memory size in GB 16gb ram
Please select your region Asia
Were you on an Expedition when the issue occurred? Yes
What type of Expedition were you on when the issue occurred? Freeplay
What was the name of the Mission / Contract / Stronghold you were on? Multiplayer
What was your chosen difficulty level? Easy
What Javelin were you using when the issue occurred? Colossus
What was your Expedition team makeup? Random Freelancers
Where did this issue occur? Please include menu name or in game location. Multiplayer games, whenever I hop on the game and join a match, the server is unplayable that I can't kill anyone nor can they kill me
When did this happen? ( hh:mm) 12 january 2022
Summarize your bug there is a bug in the game were I can't kill anyone nor can I get killed, my health bar gets stuck on 1 hp, please EA there is consumers that buys the game I just bought it yesterday please look into the issue, thanks
How often does the bug occur? Often (50% - 99%)
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Everyone is complaining about it, its a 1hp bug.
What happens when the bug occurs? No one dies
What should be happening instead? Check youtube and the threads here many peopel are talking about it

I genuinely can't believe it, I just bought the game on january 5, took started downloding the game before yesterday, then hopped on a match just for the game to be massively broken and hardly any playable match, please EA everyone is talking about the issue not me only, if you want evidence many people posted videos about the incident, please take a look into it, there is consumers buying the game.

Message 13 of 232 (1,860 Views)

Re: Just found one of the users that installed the 1hp hack.

★★ Guide

@SluggersDelight  @Edairman198526 


Don’t expect most of the “community managers” to address anything anymore. There are one or two who will chime in on occasion but most just can’t be bothered and truth be told really never could. Most of the “community managers” appeared to be more focused around trying to convince those who posted with issues that they were either being looked at or weren’t really problems at all. 

While I’ll definitely say EA is garbage the issues we all have here are moreso DICE than anyone else. It was the developers who CHOSE to pack this game full of bad choices such as:


* crap input stacking 

* crap hit detection

* “last chance” logic

* character & class imbalances

* over cluttered maps

* poor combat logic structure 

* and worst of all: tiered progression … i.e. where in game testing lower level characters and classes benefited from different stats than prestige leveled ones. 

Most of the choices the Devs made through this games lifespan got worse and worse and the folks at DICE couldn’t be bothered to come here, to these forums, to discuss and evaluate issues .. no, instead where did they go? Reddit polls and cherry picked influencers who they hoped would promote the game for them. 

in the end, BF 2 (and subsequently Battlefield 2042) both prove that the devs at DICE aren’t capable of producing video games beyond a visual aspect. All they care about are the visuals; that’s where they put their time. News flash: you guys aren’t a movie studio! You’re not Disney! You’re not filing the next trilogy! 

It isn’t a matter of them not being qualified it’s a matter of their inability to include quality mechanics; they just don’t have the sense for it. 

I don’t know what would possess them to think that giving a lower level player the “last chance” ability to escape with 10 hp or to ignore an ability or shot with various “immunities” was somehow going to create a rewarding gameplay. 

Long & short, the Devs at DICE really should do something else for work because developing quality games isn’t something they’re good at. 

Message 14 of 232 (2,648 Views)

Re: Just found one of the users that installed the 1hp hack.

★★★ Novice

Lots of cheats at large at the moment.

A real nuisance

Message 15 of 232 (1,813 Views)

Re: Just found one of the users that installed the 1hp hack.

★★★ Apprentice

yeah EA doesn't care. They got their money. We're just the suckers that keep thinking they might actually fix the issue that makes their game completely unplayable. 

Message 16 of 232 (1,229 Views)

Re: Just found one of the users that installed the 1hp hack.

[ Edited ]
★ Apprentice

People on twitter and reddit are talking a lot about the three Redspawn SW games.  But no one in my household is giving EA a dime for any of them.  Why would I?  They cut support for BF2, and then axed the entire Battlefront franchise.  And that doesn't even begin to summarize all of the other issues.  Some of the same people complaining about EA's handling of Dice and Battlefront are now talking up EA's upcoming SW games.  I'm out.  I'm not buying.  EA is still the publisher.

Message 17 of 232 (905 Views)

Games without the 1 hp bug

★★★ Newbie

We know EA wont fix the 1 hp hack issue, but is there a way for us to land 2 out of 4 games without it? Every single game has thus issue now. I have this game on two platforms. But i prefer the pc. Please find a fix

Message 18 of 232 (1,946 Views)

Re: Games without the 1 hp bug

★ Guide
@Aj889127 Maybe you should buy Battlefield 2042 if you have problems with this game. Kappa
Message 19 of 232 (1,902 Views)