Jungle Gin - cards change suit AFTER they've been dealt and laid down

by ShamanNora

Original Post

Jungle Gin - cards change suit AFTER they've been dealt and laid down

★★ Novice

I want to know why Pogo's moderators, the egotistical, arrogant bunch that they are proving themselves to be, removed my post 3 times without any explanation or response to my inquiry about Jungle Gin. What is wrong with discussing an issue in the game?! Isn't that what the forum is for? What tech support is for? Hello - anybody care at all at Pogo? You keep removing help for your paying customers! You have a game, Jungle Gin, in which cards are dealt by your robot and after the card is laid down, it suddenly changes suit in front of our eyes. What is with this? It's been going on for years. It usually signals who the bot wants to win the game. Explanation, anyone? I have a screenshot of my post that was removed so moderators can't pretend it wasn't there. They're being rude.

Message 1 of 2 (90 Views)

Re: Jungle Gin - cards change suit AFTER they've been dealt and laid down

★★★★★ Expert

curious, where did you post your problem?


in gin or in tech talk?

Message 2 of 2 (87 Views)