PC feels like a bad console port...

by DemBootcuths

Original Post

PC feels like a bad console port...

★★★ Novice

Been playing around for a bit on both PC and PS4 and noticed that there's just nothing smooth about the game play on PC... here's why I think:



Most of the animations seem to be locked at a certain fps, can't tell how low (maybe in the 10-30s) but they are stuttery while my game is running at a capped and stable 60fps.


The aiming is not smooth at all and it feels like I'm using a WII controller to aim. I'm playing on 2-3 sensitivity at 500DPI and I can notice that in other shooters, they are really responsive to my mouse movement but in this it is a different case... I have deadzones (if that somewhat makes sense for a mouse?) where I am moving my mouse and I'm getting no movement at all when aiming but if I carry on moving my mouse a tiny bit further the camera moves by 1 pixel and one pixel only.


Still no precise sensitivity slider and just the 1-10. It's awful to have only 10 options on PC with no other way of changing it. On top of the aiming issue, this is by far the worst camera controls I've experienced on a shooter. And there's still a bit of mouse acceleration after you sprint.. I have mouse acceleration turned off.


Input lag. Pretty self explanatory.. pressing my abilities and them having a delay, also same with shooting sometimes (unless that's just the servers). Doesn't happen as frequent on console.




The game feels better to play on console than it does on PC and that should really be the other way around for me. I love the game and the franchise but this game is a step backwards in game play than the first 2 Garden Warfares and seeing how it took them 5+ weeks to fix mouse acceleration, I really don't expect the aiming (biggest issue) to be fixed anytime soon.


Message 1 of 2 (282 Views)

Re: PC feels like a bad console port...

@DemBootcuths Sadly, console feels and plays the same way.
Message 2 of 2 (235 Views)