All my characters are missing!?

by z0neManArmyx

Original Post

Re: All my characters are missing!?

Community Manager (retired)

Right - they are missing because the Event ended.  We gave everyone all characters (I know its confusing).  Check your stickerbook and see how many stickers are left until you unlock that character.  You can also enter a help ticket if you are sure you had them before the event

Message 31 of 38 (456 Views)

Re: All my characters are missing!?

[ Edited ]
★★ Novice



Is there somewhere in EA help that can actually help with this? I'm on my 3rd try trying to get an advisor to not lose the case. 


My son didn't play across the entire event. He's sad he lost his guys


I've now been told not to resume the case even if it's lost in the help system or they have to re-escalate...for yet another time. 



WICA nominations forthcoming at this rate

Message 32 of 38 (454 Views)

Re: All my characters are missing!?

★★★★★ Pro



@neutronium wrote:
To follow up

He had arctic peashooter, arctic zombie, arctic catcus, fire peashooter and more...


What level is his Pea Shooter? If it's not level 10 or higher, then he's never had the Fire Pea as it's a progression unlocked character.


If you want the account to be investigated you will have to provide:


- Gamertag

- Platform

- Specific characters that were around prior to Feb 25th, but are no longer there (I assume same list as previously provided?)

Message 33 of 38 (449 Views)

Re: All my characters are missing!?

[ Edited ]
★★ Novice

Given that this is my third try at escalating and hoping that support won't lose my case I think I'll hold off on having another effort in the system. Given the track record it will cause my Xbox to fail, or the sun to go nova or something. 


EDIT: all his characters were returned to 1 when they reset. I can't answer your question about the peashooter rank. 

Message 34 of 38 (444 Views)

Re: All my characters are missing!?

★★★★★ Pro

Is this reset in the Main Menu or in a multiplayer game? If you're in a multiplayer game it sounds like it's just a bad server.

Message 35 of 38 (441 Views)

Re: All my characters are missing!?

★★ Novice

main menu. he's leveled them back up a little (2, 3, etc), but not much. 

Message 36 of 38 (438 Views)

Re: All my characters are missing!?

[ Edited ]
★★★★★ Pro

Losing character levels is worse, different from most of the other issues described. I can see why this would be escalated.


Only thing I can think of that would reset character levels would be using a different login account.

Message 37 of 38 (429 Views)

Re: All my characters are missing!?

★★★★★ Newbie

Lucky it's just your characters, for me it was my level, characters, money and character level FrownFrownFrownFrownFrownFrownFrownFrownFrownFrown

Message 38 of 38 (363 Views)