Paid dlc to Deluxe Edition?

by CurtoMasComprido

Original Post

Paid dlc to Deluxe Edition?

[ Edited ]
★★★ Novice

Well, i can´t be the only one who is a bit "angry" for the paid dlc to the Deluxe Edition owners, i mean okay, EA need to make money, but i bough a version of the game that costs 30 euros more than the normal to get speedcross dlc and some small cosmetics, and then pay everything that comes out?


If it was a bigger dlc i would compreend the paid dlc, but 2 cars..., i bought the Deluxe Edition witht he intention of having the full game all the time with all dlc and things like that...


5 euros is not that much, but even then...

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