Dragon Age 2 - UNABLE TO COMPLETE ActMercy quest

by Loadtheirig

Original Post

Dragon Age 2 - UNABLE TO COMPLETE ActMercy quest

★★★ Apprentice

I have been completely unable to not only finish this quest, but actually not even get the clue needed when you take down the Slaver.  6 times I have started from various points prior to the actual getting the clue to find the slaver, but when the battle is done, NOTHING has advanced. I get no clue as to where the kid has been taken.  What is the freeken problem, this is not a new game what is a bug of this nature still in the software.  Yes I have read approx. 100 posts on various with workarounds, none of them worked for me.  I even F-Disked my OS and rebuilt the system. STILL THE GAME WILL NOT ADVANCE.

Any help would be appreciated


Glenn A Nicholson

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