Unable to control units in C&C Ultimate

by NemyoftheSt8

Original Post

Unable to control units in C&C Ultimate

★★ Novice

Downloaded the Ultimate Collection and Once I'm in game i can select units to go build, but i cannot make them move anywhere. This is happening across all of the versions that come with the ultimate collection and it makes the game unplayable, anyone know how to fix this issue or experiencing it as well? None of my mouse buttons are working and i even tried reprogramming them.

Message 1 of 2 (356 Views)

Re: Unable to control units in C&C Ultimate



What do you mean with "versions"? The collection is comprised of a bunch of entirely different games, not versions.


An issue like that has been popping up a lot, and from what I can see it's probably due to the launcher apps blocking part of the play field somehow. A potential fix is to install Bibber's fixed game launchers, which replace the original launcher apps in the collection.

Like a lot of people helping out around this place, I am a volunteer, not an EA employee. I'm just here to help. If my answer helped you, please give XP. And if an answer solved your problem, be sure to accept it as solution.
I will not help with game questions sent as private messages; those questions belong on the boards where everyone can see my answers.
Message 2 of 2 (336 Views)