AI Superweapon use in Campaign bug

by Fireman2500

Original Post

AI Superweapon use in Campaign bug

★★★ Newbie

Product: Command & Conquer Remastered
Summarize your bug GDI Last mission: Nod Fires 2 nukes thats ok did that in the original too but on my playthough on normal they fired it on a unknown location not my base or troops. tested it happend every time on normal. Nod Last mission: GDI did not fire the ion cannon once on me not even on a obelisk Airstrike works fine and is a big pain and unfair because the ai targets units and not an area like the player
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Last mission on the campaigns Tiberian Dawn
What happens when the bug occurs? dont know played normal the nukes fired normal but did not see any impact on my base or troops.
What do you expect to see? ai fix


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