mirage is easily the worst legend, needs buff season 15

by Voidraker

Original Post

Re: josh medina) mirage is easily the worst legend, needs buff season 15

★ Pro
@Voidraker lol I get fooled by his ult pretty often lol. His ult's pretty good and the cooldown isn't that long.
Message 11 of 29 (249 Views)

Re: josh medina) mirage is easily the worst legend, needs buff season 15

★★★★★ Newbie

Imo it would be nice if we could use his ult as a nice companhion, even for a short period of time with low dmg output. Since his clones can interact with other players in some of his emotes. I could think about splitting him in three or two when he ults too, and with a 50\50 ou 33\33\33 chance to be in right, left or middle after ulting to confusing the enemy. Aswell as giving a few invencibility frames just before the split to help it not getting damage in the proccess and giving it away the position of the real one.

Message 12 of 29 (243 Views)

Re: josh medina) mirage is easily the worst legend, needs buff season 15

★★★★★ Apprentice

choosing the side of the clones, now that’s next level.  

Message 13 of 29 (239 Views)

Re: josh medina) mirage is easily the worst legend, needs buff season 15

★★ Pro

For a non-attacking character Mirage (in the right hands) can often be a pain in the backside to play against particularly if you don't have a scanning character in your squad.Should you down a Mirage he has several seconds of cloaking to escape & usually by then his teammates are usually in close proximity often denying you a kill & the same invisible cloaking also applies to healing downed teammates which comes very useful.


On the otherhand though a character that really needs a buff is Loba.Having played a far bit of Loba in season 14 her tactical the 'Burglar's Best Friend' just takes way too long to land.I've often been downed when I've received a fair bit of damage I attempt to throw the bracelet & having to wait so long for it to land I'm then dropped,it really needs quicker implementation.

Message 14 of 29 (225 Views)

Re: josh medina) mirage is easily the worst legend, needs buff season 15

★ Pro
@Redmattgame lol just fyi, Mirage is the counter for scan legends. His clones also show up on scans.
Message 15 of 29 (210 Views)

Re: josh medina) mirage is easily the worst legend, needs buff season 15

★★ Pro
@Voidraker He's level 540
Message 16 of 29 (191 Views)

Re: josh medina) mirage is easily the worst legend, needs buff season 15

★★ Pro

It is when I don't see it pulled, or I happen to be looking in an area the ult wasn't popped that gets me almost everytime. 


However, yes... whenever a Mirage pulls it right in front of me, I then can always tell which is the real holographic trickster, by - as you mentioned, there are a few tell tale signs. 


The ones that don't know how to play him are usually quite obvious. However, true Mirage mains know exactly when to pull it and what to do as its pulled and immediately after. That is when I'm hooped. 



Message 17 of 29 (189 Views)

Re: josh medina) mirage is easily the worst legend, needs buff season 15

★★ Expert

I still can't get over how effective he was in last years WE where I played him exclusively. Popping the ult worked far beyond 50%, allowing me to either get away or kill my foe. Had this Gibby I got away from (and later killed), and in the next 10-15 seconds all I heard was "you got bamboozled" voicelines. Even the tactical was far more effective than I would've imagined. All-in-all a fun legend to play, at least in these types of modes.

Message 18 of 29 (169 Views)

Re: josh medina) mirage is easily the worst legend, needs buff season 15

★ Pro
@CCbathwater his skills are good. His pick rate is low because he's not that great for competitive (ranked). If they wanted to make him better for competitive, they need to change his skills around, but that might make him too strong. If Respawn can somehow make him more appealing, without making him too strong, he might become more popular. He is actually a really good counter against scan legends.
Message 19 of 29 (167 Views)

Re: mirage is easily the worst legend, needs buff season 15

@Voidraker He's a tricky legend. It's very easy for him to become a very OP legend.

When they reworked his Ult. I was running around Solo getting squad wipes like nothing because people were so confused. Enemies have learned to read Mirage abilities better, so it's really on the Mirage player to get any use out of them.

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Message 20 of 29 (165 Views)