Who's still a Path main!

by Gabrielmojo26

Original Post

Who's still a Path main!

★ Expert

There's no denying it, Path has not gotten much love as of late, but like anything, you learn to adapt, you're still my boii Path, through thick and thin!






Message 1 of 12 (509 Views)

Re: Who's still a Path main!

★★★★★ Expert

Path flex thread? Oh go on then. Tongue out


path new.pnglifeline.png


Been giving Lifeline a lot more lovin since last season though.

Message 2 of 12 (492 Views)

Re: Who's still a Path main!

[ Edited ]
★ Expert



Damn, and both low-pro legends to boot! Mad props!

Not sure how I feel about low-pro legends anymore with S6 in full bloom.

Octane has had his fair share of play time, and he's really fun to play, but I always find myself coming back to Path regardless.


Edit: if anything, what would you suggest they change in regards to Path, within realistic reach lol

Message 3 of 12 (482 Views)

Re: Who's still a Path main!

[ Edited ]
★★★★★ Expert

@Gabrielmojo26Actually played a bit of octane this season as end game is just to easy and funny silently running up to people with a devo and rinsing them before the server ticks. xD

Might actually start considering to play Caustic more... :O

Reduce grapple CD by 5 seconds and remove low profile or 10 secs and keep it. He just soaks so much damage now and was much more fun to play before.

Message 4 of 12 (472 Views)

Re: Who's still a Path main!

★ Expert
@apostolateofDOOM I can't get used to the damn animation being slower on Caustic, throws my timing off everytime, but he's one annoying legend to counter, actually pretty damn dominant to ranking up solo.

Oddly enough, I haven't even played one game yet with Rampart lolol.

In regards to Path changes, I've seen one suggestion where he could grapple downed teammates to safety, and though that was a pretty damn good idea.
Message 5 of 12 (467 Views)

Re: Who's still a Path main!

[ Edited ]
★★★★★ Expert

@Gabrielmojo26I played 2 rounds with her and not my cup of tea. I'm not gonna just sit there on her ult and her tactical is to defensive for my aggressive playstyle. It can still work aggressively but others are generally more fun for my taste.

I rarely played him previously but last time i played Caustic (tabbed out on selection) i was at train yard up in the cabin and 4 teams were fighting below. I said to my random team mates to hold but they both jumped down and one got lasered before he hit the ground and the other seconds later. Anyways, one got timed out but still watching while the other left and i was being pushed solo for a good 5 mins but no one could get me hunkered down in there and thought this guy is a bit OP in the right situation as i came out of that as last man alive.

It could work but in all honesty without bringing some of that movement back he might be better to contribute towards the team but not as fun.

I'm sure there's a middle ground but i don't think that's the direction they're taking.

Message 6 of 12 (458 Views)

Re: Who's still a Path main!

★★ Pro

Currecly I'm Path main, since I still need to get a Recon win for my Origin Achievement, and he is the easiest Recon for me to play XD, he is still very good, but still need a new Passive

Message 7 of 12 (397 Views)

Re: Who's still a Path main!

@Gabrielmojo26 Nice stats. I use Pathfinder a bit. I wouldn't say I have a "main" as they say lol.
Probably got most kills with Bloodhound and Revenant and most wins with Wattson.

Lately I have been using Bangalore a lot along with Path. I think he could do with some love but is still decent.
Message 8 of 12 (379 Views)

Re: Who's still a Path main!

★★★★ Guide

Ex path main here, I don't wanna see my grapple boi getting nerfed again so I stopped playing him, what a shame Frown




2020-08-26 15_42_51-Apex Legends.png

Message 9 of 12 (343 Views)

Re: Who's still a Path main!

★★★★ Guide

Not much anymore, Bloodhound is just soo much better and Octane is also more fun. Pathfinder feels too static and slow :\



Message 10 of 12 (337 Views)