Sbmm broken and smurfs not banned

by LOLclever

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Re: Sbmm broken and smurfs not banned

[ Edited ]
★★★★★ Guide

@OldTreeCreeper wrote:

@sceptic-noob I don't use a Smurf ac when playing with my daughter, just take her to an out of the way spot based on dive trails, to get looted up and do a bit of running around and creeping and try to get her to a high placement while having fun. Large smile

Well 70% of my sky is diamond or master and a few pred trails too, she dont have fun as a level 40 in there. Trust me im not ruining the day for anyone doing what I am doing, im even dying and missing on purpose its fun to play with your shoulders all the way down to your hips too, and she is having a blast aswell when shes got more damage and kills then me hehe. I wish I could have a bot mode on my character where I could nerf my character for max white shield and stuff like that to be able to use my main playing with her, she blindly refuse playing with my main hehe.


Edit, though if I see someone clearly not ment to be there I go full sweat, and give her the loot if I win with my all powerful p2020 though.

Message 21 of 45 (401 Views)

Re: Sbmm broken and smurfs not banned

★★★ Pro

Yeah, there is defiantly something broken.


Played a game this evening where I had the TT and 2-4 scope.  Lined a guy up at medium range.  Hit him 3 times for 140, one more hit should have downed him. 


He finally saw me and I was dead with 3 bursts from a prower.  66% head shots.  From that kind of range.  Total BS.  It's really frustrating sometimes.

Message 22 of 45 (394 Views)

Re: Sbmm broken and smurfs not banned

★ Guide
@Axs5626Sxa5001 I would stand by it if the other squads in my lobbies were the same. 1 good 2 bads, but no. My guys get melted in 1 sec almost always by pro assasins and i sweat with trios full of guys who clearly know how to play at least semi decent. Im very tired and i dont play as usual as other seasons.
Message 23 of 45 (388 Views)

Re: Sbmm broken and smurfs not banned

★★★ Apprentice
@sceptic-noob " if you end up with smurfs and crazy matches you earned it by sweating to hard yourself :D"
So my 300 average damage per game, single-digit wins in Season 11, double-digit wins in Season 10 out of 2,000 games, less than 1.0 K/D, and very low Top 5 % means I was "sweating too hard myself?"
Message 24 of 45 (374 Views)

Re: Sbmm broken and smurfs not banned

@sceptic-noob totally understand your issue. I wasn't berating you at all, just stating what I do. I play fortnite with the 2 young trees too Large smileParty hat

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Message 25 of 45 (365 Views)

Re: Sbmm broken and smurfs not banned

[ Edited ]
★★★★ Apprentice

The fact the current ranked split demotion puts preds in bronze lobbies after one season (beginning/split/end) makes respawn the primary culprit in promoting noobbashing as it's built into the ranked format if you don't play a season, just for engagement.


They should be stricter with content creators smurfing as that encourages others, reduce the amount you're demoted each split and raise the entry level cap for ranked.

Message 26 of 45 (349 Views)

Re: Sbmm broken and smurfs not banned

★★★★★ Guide

@StelioRokos wrote:
@sceptic-noob" if you end up with smurfs and crazy matches you earned it by sweating to hard yourself :D"
So my 300 average damage per game, single-digit wins in Season 11, double-digit wins in Season 10 out of 2,000 games, less than 1.0 K/D, and very low Top 5 % means I was "sweating too hard myself?"

I have no issues battling the trails (the mains), but the fact that they fall short on diamond4 or master4 and choose to make a smurf to make hell for the people trying to reach their top in ranked is not ok. Just for the record, its normal to have 1 or 2 good players in a pubs lobby, but the smurfs gain access to newbie games because they are new accounts still in sbmm protection so they get to prey on people still learning, this is what I am fuming about.


When people play their main and I get to go up against them that is the sweaty way I like, to get nurfed by a trio of lvl 15 with 20  kill badge and 4k badge + 3 teams in a game badge is not, its exactly as awfull as getting smoked by a speedhacking and wallhacking aimbotter, well to correct that I dont care so much in pubs, but when that happens in ranked im not happy... And when that happens with the noobs even in pubs that means the game is slowly dying as recruitment stops, my daughter refuse to play the game now on her own because of the smurfs (that means she aint using her gaming money to get season pass), same with my oldest son and he is 22 but still a beginner at the game but experience the same crap. I'm guessing its not only them getting their motivation utterly disintegrated by content creators not good enough to use their main and others who copy them - not exactly a promotion of the game to be honest.


Note: I do not bash all content creators, there are some that sticks to their mains and make good content, hat off, well done, the rest can (yea I am choosing to censor this myself, feeling the heat coming hehe)...

Message 27 of 45 (330 Views)

Re: Sbmm broken and smurfs not banned

[ Edited ]
★★ Expert

OMG, you guys! Sbmm exceptionally gave me teammates one time here! They did stuff throughout the game! They actually pressed the R2 button and pew-pew'ed at enemies. Amazing. GG team.



Message 28 of 45 (288 Views)

Re: Sbmm broken and smurfs not banned

★★★★★ Expert

@CCbathwater Youre not alone man. Had a blast with these two randoms who maximized the abilities of their legends. Rev ults and Wraith portals were used but this is like only a 1 out of every 20 game occurrence. I love it when there’s actual teamplay without even using mics (no one talks in Tokyo). 


Message 29 of 45 (280 Views)

Re: Sbmm broken and smurfs not banned

★★ Expert
@Cheese9Man Out of 20? If even that.😒
Message 30 of 45 (269 Views)