Just a little list of bug

by Player_7pfkej3a

Original Post

Just a little list of bug

★★★ Newbie


i come here, as bioware dev absolutely don't care about the players of swtor.

Here a little list of bug that we have, and are not corrected.


-Mercenary : need to made their combat proficiency each time you connect.


-Compagnon : each time we take an elevator/loading screen, the weapon disappear or become non valide, making the companion useless... in star fortress they disappear totally each time you take an elevator, same when you go out of wz, even the icon on the UI to summon them disappear, you need to open the companion panel, and search through the long list of useless companion from KOTET/KOTFE


-KUAT drive yard : 4 chance on 5 that the mission get bugged and the shuttle can't leave the hangar.... then you can't make the mission, need to leave the group and get stuck out of group finder for 7mn. this bug exist since months and each bug report we get the same answer : we will correct it in the future patch.....


i will add more, there is tons of others bug, who are not that much annoying, excepted when they cumulate.


Thank you


Message 1 of 3 (420 Views)

Re: Just a little list of bug

EA Live QV Team


The Utility Reset issue has been acknowledged here by Eric Musco: http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=9408159#edit9408159


I've had a few of the Companion issues you list there, like the Star Fortress one, definitely frustrating. However, (this is me just speculating) due to the workaround being so quick and easy (just re-summoning), the developers will likely focus more heavily on gamebreaking issues and exploits, which is why most simple and small bugs don't get fixed that quickly.

Message 2 of 3 (382 Views)

Re: Just a little list of bug

★ Novice
It really would be nice since I pay 15 dollars a month for this game that they would fix the damn Kuat bug. It is unplayable. You take the shuttle and wind up right back where you started.

Instead of coming up with new ways to get people to spend money in the Cartel Market, try fixing the stuff that's broken! Missing content because of a broken game is a sure fire way to lose subscribers. FIX IT!
Message 3 of 3 (334 Views)