Re: Pulled Sissoko, Onana or Rodri from Community TOTS SBC.

by sodadoodlee

Original Post

Re: Onana problem

★★★ Apprentice
@EA_Cade it is not fair of giving people with weekly objective players in pack, for example my friend got taglifico and he can also have rodri but now i have 2 rodri untradables how is it able to get digest for you sir think and please return back the sbcs
Message 31 of 102 (759 Views)

Re: Fifa 19 TOTS Guaranteed Sbc

★★★★ Novice

Yeah me to but with onanna I think yous should really give everyone that it's happened to a redo of the pack

Message 32 of 102 (741 Views)

Weekly objective players in guaranteed tots sbc in unfair @EA_Cade

★★★ Apprentice

We should be able to get any other players than weekly objective player coz we can earn them freely and now spent nearly 80k to complete an sbc to get 2 untradable rodri is for joke, example take my friend packs allan and he can also have rodri but what about me i can't have allan or others just think and do the concerns


Message 33 of 102 (838 Views)

Re: Onana problem

★★★★ Novice

Ea should really do something because so many people like me put 70 to a 100k into an sbc they can't use. Yous should really reimburse either our money or the pack

Message 34 of 102 (828 Views)

Re: Community TOTS sbc

[ Edited ]
★★★ Newbie

Same it’s uneceptable

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Message 35 of 102 (804 Views)

TOTS Sissoko availible in community tots

★★ Novice

why is tots sissoko availible to pack in the community tots sbc, i just done his sbc to guarantee getting him and then done the community tots sbc and got him again? both untradable so now i have to just discard one of them and both sbcs cost me over 100k surely thats not fair? i understand he was added to packs as a mistake from ea but i or other people shouldnt suffer because of someone elses mistakes? if you can do a single sbc for him he shouldnt be availible to pack or in another sbc thats never been the case for any other player in the game so i dont know why it is now.

Message 36 of 102 (788 Views)

Guaranteed SBC pack

★★★★ Novice

I had an Onana in my club so I used him as my TOTS player for the sbc but then I received him back again in the pack! I don’t really think this is fair that I have used 80-90k to do this Sbc to get a player that everyone can get by doing 1 game of Squad battles.

Message 37 of 102 (783 Views)

Re: Fifa 19 TOTS Guaranteed Sbc

★★★★ Novice

This happened to me with Onana I didn’t think he was in packs as you can get him in rewards, I used 80-90k to get a player everyone can get in 1 game of squad battles I’m not happy 

Message 38 of 102 (731 Views)

Re: Pulled Sissoko, Onana or Rodri from Community TOTS SBC.

★ Novice

I had the same problem with Onana and he shouldn't be in these packs Frown.

Message 39 of 102 (774 Views)

Re: Onana problem

★ Apprentice

@EA_Cade I'm sorry for being so bold but I think I speak on everyone's behalf here that ea have messed up they should let us have our pack again and remove the 3 players from the pack so we cant pack them again I've said it before when can we pack a player of the month vardy from packs or a special card shame long examples of sbc cards and weeklys we cant pack them from packs so why can we get these I know it is a mess up so just admit it isn't it we will think more of ea if they do it and it's an untradeable packnso the market wont mess up any way so win win really 

Message 40 of 102 (772 Views)