EA will not accept my card information

by Supersim12344

Original Post

Accepted Solution

EA will not accept my card information

★ Apprentice

So, today I tried to purchase Moschino & Realm Of Magic for my Sims 4 game. When I went to purchase it, the payment info popped up, and I realized it was still selected on my old debit card. My old card went missing around November of last year. I went to my bank, and got a new one, so this card is only 2 months old. I went back t the payment method option, and entered in my information, and it said something like this: 'Card could not be verified. Card information is incorrect." I have tried this at least 5+ times, and it won't work. I am 100% sure I'm entering the right information from my card, bc I checked over and over again. Trust me, I checked. There were no errors in the card number, csc number, expiration date, etc. I tried refreshing the page, that did not work. I looked on my account info on the EA website, and it needed me to verify my email. The email it had was my old email address, so I changed it to the one I use now. I verified BOTH email accounts, and that didn't fix anything. I tried deleting my old PayPal account information, that didn't work. I must have tried 10 or so things to get this to work, and it won't. The system simply says its incorrect every time, even though it is. I know it's not my bank either, bc like I said, the card is not even 2 months old at this point. I've also never had an issue like this before. When I got my new card, I had to update it for every application I had, such as my iTunes, and there were absolutely no problems. I've never had a problem with entering my card information, except for right now. It's extremely frustrating and annoying. Help would be appreciated.

Message 1 of 11 (12,986 Views)

Accepted Solution

Re: EA will not accept my card information

[ Edited ]
★★★★★ Apprentice

Hey! I completely understand that it is extremely frustrating. I can confirm that the $1.00 charges from "EA Origin.Com help.ea.com CAUS." are charges from your bank (transferring details from EA to your bank, I had the same in the past) to try validate your debit card (they will be refunded in a few days, most of the time. Contact your bank if not). And from previous own experience, that debit card might be the issue. It is possible that your debit card doesn't allow money to be 'reserved', like how a normal credit card works. That might be the issue, I had the same with multiple companies when I was abroad. Do you have any other possible payment methods maybe?

View in thread

Message 4 of 11 (12,913 Views)

All Replies

Re: EA will not accept my card information

★★★★★ Apprentice

Hey there! Is it possible that the country of origin on your EA account and the credit card is different by any chance? And if its okay to ask, what type of credit card is it? A debit CC, a normal CC and from which brand?

Message 2 of 11 (12,936 Views)

Re: EA will not accept my card information

★ Apprentice

The card is a Visa debit card. And yes, the country information is correct, I live in the U.S. and its selected for there. Also, I checked on my bank account today, and I had three $1.00 charges from some place called "EA Origin.Com help.ea.com CAUS." So, not only can I upload my payment information, but now i'm being charged for something I don't even know about. This is extremely frustrating.

Message 3 of 11 (12,922 Views)

Re: EA will not accept my card information

[ Edited ]
★★★★★ Apprentice

Hey! I completely understand that it is extremely frustrating. I can confirm that the $1.00 charges from "EA Origin.Com help.ea.com CAUS." are charges from your bank (transferring details from EA to your bank, I had the same in the past) to try validate your debit card (they will be refunded in a few days, most of the time. Contact your bank if not). And from previous own experience, that debit card might be the issue. It is possible that your debit card doesn't allow money to be 'reserved', like how a normal credit card works. That might be the issue, I had the same with multiple companies when I was abroad. Do you have any other possible payment methods maybe?

Message 4 of 11 (12,914 Views)

Re: EA will not accept my card information

★ Apprentice

Well, I entered my information today, and it finally worked. I'm not sure why, but I added my card, and everything is fine now. I just don't understand why it wouldn't accept it at first. I don't have a reserved card or anything like that, so I'm thinking it was EA's problem, and not mine. But thank you for the information and help.

Message 5 of 11 (12,882 Views)

Re: EA will not accept my card information

★★★★★ Apprentice

I am glad to hear that if worked out. It is, as you mentioned, indeed a bit odd. But it might have been the issue that the card had to be validated first (because of the charger) and after that finished, that the card got accepted. Standard smile

Message 6 of 11 (12,871 Views)

I tryed to buy packs but it said it failed

★★★★★ Newbie

I tryed to buy parenthood seasons and realm of magic and it said it failed.

What do I do??

Message 7 of 11 (12,872 Views)

Re: EA will not accept my card information

★★★ Newbie

How do you verify your card though?

ive bought multiple packs before and they all went through with no problems but now I can’t get anymore because they can’t verify my card.

Message 8 of 11 (7,785 Views)

Re: EA will not accept my card information

★★★ Newbie
Message 9 of 11 (6,200 Views)

Re: EA will not accept my card information

★ Novice

same here. having this issue and ive used the card before just fine, and its still my active card with plenty of money on it. VERY annoying

Message 10 of 11 (5,958 Views)