Bug in system

by dgzkeg

Original Post

Bug in system

★★ Newbie

I am going around in circles how to report an issue on an iPhone with the characters all in the same job and not being able to get off that job. There is nowhere to obtain help from EA other than to write in here… so here goes: When you click on the characters, once they completed the current job, they go back into the same building/job again without being able to stop them. And the completion of the job resets itself immediately each time. I’m making a huge amount of doughnuts and levelling up over 100 levels within the last 24 hours. But it’s not the game and it’s not sorting itself out. I have logged out and back in. I have deleted the app and reinstalled it. I have turned my phone on and off. Nothing works. What can I do?? 

Message 1 of 2 (113 Views)

Re: Bug in system

store the building they're stuck in

visit neighbourhood to synch the game

replace stored building

next time send less than 50 characters to the job as this frequently happen if you send the whole town

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D'oh! - Em
Message 2 of 2 (105 Views)