M8 Greyhound Invisible at 100+ meters like A-20/P-70


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M8 Greyhound Invisible at 100+ meters like A-20/P-70

★★★★ Novice

Product: Battlefield V
Platform:Sony Playstation 4
Please specify your platform model. Sony PlayStation 4
Are you using any software with an overlay? No
Which part of the game is the issue happening in? Multiplayer
Which part of the mode? Conquest
Please select your region North America
On which server did this happen? All Servers
When did this happen? (dd.mm.yy hh:mm) Continuous since summer update in June 2020
Summarize your bug I reported this bug in September 2020 along with the American planes but the Greyhound has not been fixed.The American M8 Greyhound is still invisible beyond 100 meters even after the most recent patch. This bug is the same one that was occuring with the two new American planes, the A-20 and P-70 that would disappear once they were at a certain distance away. The American M8 Greyhound is invisible to the player on foot and in a vehicle at 100 meters plus, the only way to see the M8 Greyhound beyond 100 meters is to ADS on foot or in vehicle to make the tank render beyond 100 meters. The Greyhound is visible to the player from 0-99 meters but at 100 meters it just 'pops' out of view.
How often does the bug occur? Every time (100%)
Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Join a Conquest server and look for the M8 Greyhound, you will be able to see the model render at 0-99 meters away, once the Greyhound hits 100 meters away, it will disappear akin to how the new American bombers were disappearing.
What happens when the bug occurs? American M8 Greyhound has unfair combat advantage because it is invisible at 100+ meters distance and with its speed it can close the gap quickly and because of the bug you will not see it until it is less than 100 meters away.
What should be happening instead? American M8 Greyhound model should render into player view at 100 plus meters just like every other vehicle in the game.

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