Help! Sims 3 monte vista won't install properly or appear

by Diabetesgirl16

Original Post

Help! Sims 3 monte vista won't install properly or appear

★ Novice

Hi, my sims 3 monte vista won't download or appear with the rest of the worlds. 

Message 1 of 6 (1,491 Views)

Re: Help! Sims 3 monte vista won't install properly or appear

@Diabetesgirl16  When you say it won't download, do you mean your browser or the launcher throws an error?  If so, you might already have a bad download in your TS3 game folder.  Go into Documents\EA\TS3\Downloads and delete anything that has the name Monte Vista in it.  It's also a good idea to clear your browser cache before trying to download it again.


If the error is somewhere else, please describe what you're seeing, and any steps you've already taken to try to fix the issue.


I don't work for EA. I'm just trying to help fellow players with their games.
Message 2 of 6 (1,460 Views)

Re: Help! Sims 3 monte vista won't install properly or appear

★ Novice

So it says it installs but when i go play it, monte vista doesn't appear at all. It  shows up in the installed content when the launcher is up on the screen. 

Message 3 of 6 (1,441 Views)

Re: Help! Sims 3 monte vista won't install properly or appear

@Diabetesgirl16  Alright, the issue may be the .ebc file (in DCCache) into which Monte Vista is being installed.  The best way to fix this is just to create a new file and install into that instead.  Here's how:

  • Uninstall Monte Vista through the launcher.  Make sure MonteVista.package is no longer in InstalledWorlds, in your TS3 game folder in Documents.  If it is, delete the file.
  • Uninstall one more random item, something small like a hairstyle or article of clothing.  Don't use anything that's premium content.
  • Now remove your entire game folder from Documents.  You can put it on your desktop.
  • Open the launcher to create a clean game folder, then go to the store and redownload the small item you just uninstalled.  Install it through the launcher.
  • Inside your new game folder, go into DCCache and grab the .ebc file.  You can leave everything else, and trash the new game folder.
  • In your old game folder, go into DCCache and find the .ebc file with the highest number in its name.  You can ignore any .dbc files; these are bundled third-party custom content.
  • Rename the new .ebc file that you just created so that it's numbered one higher than the highest in your existing game folder.  So if you already have dcdb0.ebc through dcdb4.ebc, the new one will be dcdb5.ebc.  Now place this file in DCCache with the others.
  • Put your existing game folder back in Documents\Electronic Arts.
  • Now go to the store and download and install Monte Vista.
  • Delete the five cache files in your game folder (CASPartCache, compositorCache, scriptCache, simCompositorCache, and socialCache).
  • Load the game to see if Monte Vista appears at the Main Menu.

If this doesn't work, you'll probably need to rebuild your store content, installing it all into a clean game folder and moving over your saves and anything else you want to keep.  I can write out directions for that too; just let me know if it's necessary.


I don't work for EA. I'm just trying to help fellow players with their games.
Message 4 of 6 (1,438 Views)

Re: Help! Sims 3 monte vista won't install properly or appear

★ Novice

When I uninstall it, it comes up with Error: package could not be found. 


Im not really sure of what I’m doing. Are you able to write out the instructions? 



Message 5 of 6 (1,431 Views)

Re: Help! Sims 3 monte vista won't install properly or appear

@Diabetesgirl16  Okay, if you can't even uninstall Monte Vista, then you'll definitely need to rebuild your store content from scratch.

  • Uninstall any store venues from the launcher.  This is to ensure you don't get two copies later.
  • Pull your entire TS3 game folder out of Documents and onto your desktop.
  • Open the launcher to generate a clean game folder.
  • Install Monte Vista first, just to make sure it works.  Load the game to check.
  • If MV shows up at the Main Menu, start a new save there, just to have a a look around.  Be sure to place the wood fire oven and have a sim try to use it.  (No need to save this game when you're done.)
  • If everything looks good, you can install the rest of your store content into this new game folder.  It's a good idea to download and install in batches of no more than six items at a time; the launcher doesn't manage large amounts of data very well.  Worlds should be handled separately, not in a batch with anything else.
  • Once you've installed everything, load another new save and make sure all your content appears in-game.

If everything is there, you can move your saves and other content from the old game folder on your desktop to the new folder.  Here's what to move:

  • The entire Saves folder.  If you saved your progress while checking content in the new game folder, you'll already have one, but you can trash it.
  • The contents of Library, which will contain saved households and lots.  Put the files in your new game folder instead of replacing the new Library, as the new folder will have files corresponding to your store venues.
  • The entire SavedSims folder.  You can just move it over.
  • All the files with the extension .dbc inside DCCache.  These contain your third-party custom content.
  • Screenshots and RecordedVideos, if you want to keep them.
  • The file called userpresets.package, if you've saved patterns or recolors in CAS or Build/Buy and want to keep your progress.
  • ContentPatch, but only if you have a disc, Steam, or Mac install.  This is not necessary on an Origin install.
  • Your Mods folder, if you have it.
  • Do not move InstalledWorlds over.  If you've installed any player-made worlds, move their files over individually.

It's a good idea to test after you move each batch of files over, to make sure your game is still working.


Also be sure to delete the five cache files in your new game folder each time you quit the game.


I don't work for EA. I'm just trying to help fellow players with their games.
Message 6 of 6 (1,428 Views)