Re: Lost game disc!

by SimPlumbobGreen

Original Post

Lost game disc!

★★★ Newbie

Hi everyone - I'm wondering if somebody might know if there's a way I can download the Sims 3 base game from Oracle for free, as I have lost my game disc and want to install it on my new computer!


I have the serial code - but it's not letting me register the game online. I have contacted EA support but not heard anything yet!


If anyone knows a way it'd be much appreciated!



Message 1 of 2 (135 Views)

Re: Lost game disc!

★★★ Apprentice

Do you have Origin installed on your computer? You could check there and see if you have The Sims 3 base game in your library. I just randomly received the base game and it encouraged me to start playing the game again.

Message 2 of 2 (129 Views)