Ads "give" double gems

by ajz1357

Original Post

Ads "give" double gems

★★ Apprentice

Hi. First, I want to say that my problem with ads it's been solved: I just had the change the phone's time to one more hour. Now I watch 20 ads per day

But, today and last week when I was watching ads, ad the end of each one, the gem amount at the top of the screen increased by 10 gems per ad! But when I reopened the game, I had 100 gems more than before, instead of 200

So, it's that a glitch? Or the 10 gems per ad will be back?

Anyway, happy with the ads and random mode!

Message 1 of 4 (572 Views)

Re: Ads "give" double gems

★★ Guide

Great for you. But EA couldn't care a toss about some of us that don't even have the option to watch adverts to get gems. Fingers crossed they can resolve the issue for those of us, struggling to get some gems. 

Message 2 of 4 (559 Views)

Re: Ads "give" double gems

★★★★★ Guide

that's lucky for you, but as the first response says


EA DOESN'T CARE about any of this gem issue. All of the problems started when they sold off the plan to a 3rd party, who changed the gems from 10 to 5 each, and that's when all of the various issues began.

Message 3 of 4 (543 Views)

Re: Ads "give" double gems

Champion (Retired)

@jaydabbler wrote:

that's lucky for you, but as the first response says


EA DOESN'T CARE about any of this gem issue. All of the problems started when they sold off the plan to a 3rd party, who changed the gems from 10 to 5 each, and that's when all of the various issues began.

Never put 2 and 2 together, but you're right.  I don't recall people complaining about the ads prior to the gem nerf.  Frown  Oh...for the days of 10 gem ads again...



Message 4 of 4 (513 Views)