how can I integrate sims 2 x deluxe and expansion packs with sims 2 holiday

by woteyesea

Original Post

how can I integrate sims 2 x deluxe and expansion packs with sims 2 holiday

★ Novice

I dont see a sims 2 link. but ....I just need to know if I can merge both games...and how.I have saved games as well as willing to start all over if need be . also I am missing the code for family fun stuff it was not printed on booklet the code I got when I called for it years ago does not seem to work it may be me but I need help on that too so I can reinstall it. I am also not really sure how to play old saved games Ive got a few from years of stopping and starting over. thank you for any input you might have

Message 1 of 2 (122 Views)

Re: how can I integrate sims 2 x deluxe and expansion packs with sims 2 holiday

EA Staff

Hello @woteyesea,


Please contact an Advisor and they should be able to help with combining the packs into a downloadable version:

1. Click on the following link: (once there make sure that your country is correctly selected in top left hand corner of
2. Find the affected game (if it's an account issue select Origin)
3. Select your platform  
4. Select topic and issue.
5. Select a contact option. Please note that available contact options do depend on your country settings and time of day.


Let us know if you run into any issues with this.

- Kristi

Message 2 of 2 (108 Views)