Placing a new lot in a world.

by FrankieShyann

Original Post

Placing a new lot in a world.

★★★ Newbie

I am trying to place the bowling alley that I've saved to my library from the Sims 3 University Life world while in edit town, I go back to my home world and try placing the bowling alley, but all the icons disappear (even the empty one's) to where I can't place it anywhere. I've made the lot to a community lot before placing it and made sure the lot was big enough to fit the building's size, but it still disappears, I don't know what to do, any help or explanation as to why the lot icon's would disappear?

Message 1 of 3 (110 Views)

Re: Placing a new lot in a world.

Hero (Retired)

I'm not sure. What community setting are you putting it on? So Visitors Allowed, University hangout, etc? 



Message 2 of 3 (104 Views)

Re: Placing a new lot in a world.

Hero (Retired)

 there may be something on the lot that is making the game "think" the lot is occupied when it isn't like a seed,space rock .wildflower so go to edit town choose your lot then go to build/buy throw some furniture on the lot doesn't matter what chairs,sofa's beds desks then bulldoze the lot then see if you can place the bowling alley

Message 3 of 3 (101 Views)