Why cant we connect ourselves to ea servers on skate 3?

by skullmaster100

Original Post

Why cant we connect ourselves to ea servers on skate 3?

★ Novice

Hi EA i don't know why but for a couple of time now your skate 3 servers are down. the issus that i have because of this are the following: i can't import a friend skater, i cant find any parks created by the community without having the ''the page you are looking for can't load'' or something like that error and i can't see the EA Feed in the main menu so with that said can you tell me if you guys are trying to fix this problem or if you have a way to do so plz and yes i have the free pack that i need to download parks and stuff installed.


If other peoples have a solution plz tell me Wink


and plz dont comment that you have the same problem because i already know that Standard smile

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