New Warehouse Building(s) suggestion...

by SonOfLaren

Original Post

New Warehouse Building(s) suggestion...

[ Edited ]
★★★★★ Novice
I think players would love to see Warehouse Building(s) that offer quicker production.
I also believe there would be a market for offering more than one of this type, by making ones that have a Dirty Radius, and a more expensive one that doesn't.

Even a way to upgrade existing one's - like how Store upgrading works - as the Dirty Radius element already exists there. However, Warehouses are usually demolished and replaced, therefore upgrades would need to be taken into consideration when refunding.

I'm surprised I haven't found this discussion in the search, as I am sure players would be intent on playing towards gaining factories like these in their City.

I'd pay SimCash personally, but Sim City Build It would show it's continuing fairness to it's customers by offering this great new feature with easily earnable Simoleons and/or Neo-Simoleans.

Please offer comments of support, criticism, and/or additional ideas that are pertinent to this New Warehouse suggestion thread. Comments of support might just convince developers to impliment this or a similar feature.

(If you have another issue regarding Warehouses, please check other threads. If no answers, create a new thread. ALWAYS search for answers before creating new threads/questions. KEEP FORUMS TIDY)
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