Re: [Android] Achievements not syncing correctly


Original Post

[Android] Achievements not syncing correctly

Alright, in case you don't know it yet, Android is an operating system developed by Google. It exists. iOS isn't the only mobile OS in this whole world. Don't cater for iOS as if it was.

Ok sarcasm aside, time to get down to business and defeat the Huns. I own a Sony Xperia E4. I play PvZ 2 with it. Got it? Ok. Thing is, I'm a big achievement hunter and perfectionist. BUTTTT, since version 6.3 the achievements system just got so damn unstable.

Okay, so I started the game, I even tapped that little game controller icon on the bottom right corner. I tapped it a few times, just to make sure that I have linked my Google Play Games account. (which is the same account I used to download the game, duh) I played some levels, and got Sun Catcher, the achievement which required me to get 5 sun from one Ra Zombie. But, strangely, nothing happened. I went right back to the starting screen, and tapped on the controller icon. (bottom right) The achievement remained locked.

Aight, look, I know this is just a minor bug, but please, just PLEASE do something, gimme a hotfix, whatever! I need my achievements!
Message 1 of 8 (2,352 Views)

Re: [Android] Achievements not syncing correctly


Also, it amuses me how 99% of all problems here are just people losing their progress.

It happens like this:

- EA forces devs to release updates as soon as possible. Most of the time using an immovable deadline.

- Since devs don't have enough time to work on games. (as the pressure is super high) Games are so unfinished and unstable.

- Customers crash into problems and post their problems on EA Answers expecting solutions, which they aren't likely to ever receive.

- EA then ignores 99,784% of the question and repeats step 1.

Message 2 of 8 (2,317 Views)

Re: [Android] Achievements not syncing correctly

Hero (Retired)

Unfortunately, the Achievements are  broken and have been for some time.  I have 3 that I completed long ago and have never gotten credit for: Complete the Far Future, Complete Frostbite Caves, and Complete Modern Day.

I also have not gotten credit for Sun Catcher or Beet It, both of which I've completed.


I can only suggest that you contact Customer Support and report the issue.  When setting up the ticket select Technical Support as your Topic, choose your operating system and device, then scroll to the bottom of the page and hit Contact Us.

Message 3 of 8 (2,298 Views)

Re: [Android] Achievements not syncing correctly

★★★ Newbie

same to me. I have just finished all the word (from 1st world ancient Egypt to the Last 10th mordern day ) few mins ago but then i checked the achievements. I thought i will have a lot of exp but totally NO No no exp. Nothing was done in achievements. So upset when finish all the world map but nothing achievements

Message 4 of 8 (1,942 Views)

Re: [Android] Achievements not syncing correctly

★★★ Newbie

same to me. I have just finished all the word (from 1st world ancient Egypt to the Last 10th mordern day ) few mins ago but then i checked the achievements. I thought i will have a lot of exp but totally NO No no exp. Nothing was done in achievements. So upset when finish all the world map but nothing achievements
Message 5 of 8 (1,937 Views)

Re: [Android] Achievements not syncing correctly

★★★★★ Expert

If you set up your Google play account before you start playing pvz2 then you should get all the achievements due to you.

If you do as i did and do it halfway through then you will miss out on the Google play achievements and they will just sit there unclaimed.

If you like achievements then try checking out the stronghold legends achievement cabinet, it's a work of art, different trophies in a nice cabinet with squeaky doors.

Shame i couldn't find a pic but it makes the Google ones look sad.😥

Message 6 of 8 (1,930 Views)

Re: [Android] Achievements not syncing correctly

★★★★★ Expert

I had the same experience as all of you with Achievement:  I had completed them all (except any related to VaseBreaker) and saw none in my profile anymore.  At one point years ago they were there and complete !


Recently, with the double bug, I found that if I click the Google Play button before I play that I am now receiving acknowledgement of the rewards as I "earn" them again !


Of course clicking the Google Play button triggers the double bug .... be careful what you wish for.

Message 7 of 8 (1,920 Views)

Re: [Android] Achievements not syncing correctly

[ Edited ]
★★★★★ Expert

I found a pic of the stronghold legends trophies.

Message 8 of 8 (1,914 Views)