Re: Level 486 strategy

by fruitcakkee

Original Post

Accepted Solution

Level 486 strategy

★★★★★ Newbie

I can't figure out the strategy for level 486.  Sometimes the jetstream shoots the gem over to the gravel area and sometimes it doesn't.,  Very frustrating when I have flame gems and they don't go to the gravel but explode in the jetstream spinner.  I noticed that the jetstreams pulse with a light frame, then no frame.  Has anyone figured out a strategy?

Message 1 of 11 (7,257 Views)

Accepted Solution

Re: Level 486 strategy

★ Novice

For those who keep having problems with this level, it can be won without using power ups.  The biggest things that helped me, was to set off a star gem in line with gravel, get a star gem over by the gravel in between, so that when the black hole(s) collapse, the star gem would hit everything in the last column which needs to be hit 4 times, or get flame gems in that area, so they can hopefully hit more than 1 piece of gravel at a time.  Getting the timing of the jet stream down is crucial, and a little luck doesn't hurt.


However, if people have a lot of problems with this level, wait till you get to the 700/800 levels.  I have played some levels for at least 2 weeks and at least a dozen or more attempts each day without success.  I used to pride myself on obtaining 3 stars on all levels without using power ups, but that went by way of the dodo bird, and now sometimes I don't care how many stars I get.

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Message 9 of 11 (3,234 Views)

All Replies

Re: Level 486 strategy

★★★ Newbie

I think the jetstream holding the gem is a bug. And a very frustrating one!

It seems like you need to match hypercube with special (either flame or star), then try to work from top to bottom.

I've gotten close without using anything from the power lab only once - using the general strategy above.

Message 2 of 11 (7,178 Views)

Re: Level 486 strategy

★★★ Newbie

I don't think it's a bug, I think it's a change to the rules, or possibly a new type of Jetstream.  Cinnamon327’s comment “I noticed that the jetstreams pulse with a light frame, then no frame” is the key, or as I think of it, ‘handcuffs’.  At the start of the game, all the light frames around the jetstreams pulse in sync.  Once one is used, that Jetstream pulses out of sync with the others.  What I’ve found, is that if you try to move the gem when the frame is lighting up, it ‘captures’ or ‘handcuffs’ the gem, and it goes nowhere.  I’m still working on timing, and have gotten better at it, but it does take practice to get it just right.  I’m still trying to beat the level, and perfecting the use of the Jetstream, but have gotten down to 1 piece of gravel, without using any power ups. 


There’s at least one other ‘change’ that I still haven’t narrowed down on this level.  There are times when a flame gem explodes on the river side, right next to the gravel, but the entire column the flame gem was in explodes, instead of the gems immediately surrounding the flame gem.  I’m sure there is a certain event that’s triggering this, but I’m usually looking at a different part of the board when this happens.


I’m sure I might be able to track down this other oddity if I record my movements, and watch the video later, where I can focus on what exactly is happening.  If anyone’s interested, let me know, and I’ll try to do it a little sooner rather than later.

Message 3 of 11 (7,115 Views)

Re: Level 486 strategy

★★★★ Novice

Thanks Chaos,  I'm just about to give up on B. Stars as I feel like I might as well be playing this level with my eyes closed. I'll try your thoughts and if you figure out the last part, please share! 


Message 4 of 11 (6,826 Views)

Re: Level 486 strategy

★★★ Newbie

any luck with level 486??

Message 5 of 11 (4,550 Views)

Re: Level 486 strategy

★★★ Newbie
Try "Cbanging Tides". At the very beginning of the game before you make any moves
Message 6 of 11 (4,107 Views)

Re: Level 486 strategy

★★★★★ Newbie

Yea, I can’t beat this level and things just react differently than on any other level. I tried changing the direction of the stream, but it never helped. Things just seem to act completely randomly. I am ready to delete the game.

Message 7 of 11 (3,647 Views)

Re: Level 486 strategy

★★★ Newbie

Help! I’m stuck on level 486 of Bejeweled Stars

Message 8 of 11 (3,176 Views)

Re: Level 486 strategy

★ Novice

For those who keep having problems with this level, it can be won without using power ups.  The biggest things that helped me, was to set off a star gem in line with gravel, get a star gem over by the gravel in between, so that when the black hole(s) collapse, the star gem would hit everything in the last column which needs to be hit 4 times, or get flame gems in that area, so they can hopefully hit more than 1 piece of gravel at a time.  Getting the timing of the jet stream down is crucial, and a little luck doesn't hurt.


However, if people have a lot of problems with this level, wait till you get to the 700/800 levels.  I have played some levels for at least 2 weeks and at least a dozen or more attempts each day without success.  I used to pride myself on obtaining 3 stars on all levels without using power ups, but that went by way of the dodo bird, and now sometimes I don't care how many stars I get.

Message 9 of 11 (3,235 Views)

Re: Level 486 strategy

★★★ Newbie

I got it!!! A lot of mystery gems!!!!

Message 10 of 11 (3,003 Views)