Dead Space 3 Steam/EA app version refuses to save any game data

by MythoclastX99

Original Post

Dead Space 3 Steam/EA app version refuses to save any game data

★★★ Newbie

Hello, i have bought Dead space 3 through steam, and runs the game through EA app. when i initially played it, i had no issues with my save game data. then upon trying to do a new game +, the game will absolutely refuse to save anything..every...single...time. no error code or anything, just i play the game, it "saves" i exit the game, (insert number of time has passed and i launch the game again, be extremly pissed that this is the 90th time ive attempted to simply save my game, yall seriously expect me to complete the game in one sitting? because if i want to do anything more than the bloody prologue over and over and over and over and over again. like wtf? played through the game on steam/ea version 3 times before its just f@&king up on me now. and ive found literally zero help for it on any forum, this is getting bloody ridiculous, i want to play my game without it deleting my save every single bloody time ive finished playing......FROM THE PROLOGUE EVERY TIME

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