I am also having the same problem, I have been at level 21 at least 15 times tur

by Beepbeep52

Original Post

I am also having the same problem, I have been at level 21 at least 15 times tur

★★ Novice
I am also having the same problem I've been at level 21 at least three dozen times turn console back on makes a loud screeching noise reset me to level 10, or level 5, or whatever the hell the game decides to put you at at that current time this is one crazy game love to play it but what a pain in the * when you work days and days and all your work just goes by by into cyberspace dump yard I have spoken with Folks at EA and they are a joke they have no solution for this problem and won't even meant they have a problem as far as I'm concerned these yahoos that sold their product or just that a bunch of yahoos they don't support it and no Solutions so it's fun to play aggravating and we keep playing it and keep getting reset good luck everybody as this is a pain in my * and I thorn in my side
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